Chapter 130: Live broadcast

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Chapter 130: Live broadcast

Entertainment Quan Mynah was the first to release the news, but except for two fans and passers-by who were keen to eat melons who gave him a look, everyone else thought he was farting.

Everyone didn't believe that Qin Chen and Xu Jian were together. It is said that they are together, it is better to spread the rain.

At the same time someone commented:

[The blogger, your account is gone, even Qin Shen's rumors are dare to make, wait to receive the lawyer's letter. 】

Everyone didn't take the matter of Xu Jian and Qin Chen seriously, but through this Weibo, the navy began to end. The yin and yang strangeness alluded to Xu Jian's move too fast in the past two years, and there must be something unknown behind it.

Among the many rhythmic comments, some people say that Xu Jian has signed with Music Entertainment for less than two years. From a 108-line small transparent to the present, the resources are getting better every time. Even if the entertainment resources are good, how come other artists in the company do not have him. This treatment, who believes that there is no shady behind?

So before, the black fan told the family that Xu Jian was following the bald beer belly gold owner and selling his position, and was brought out to discuss like a car wheel.

Standing at the center of public opinion again were Xu Jian and Qin Shen, who were having a meeting in the conference room.

As soon as their affairs were exposed, the two received a call from Pan Min and asked them to come to the company for an emergency meeting.

In addition to Qin Chen, Xujian, Pan Min, Xiaonan and others, the company's public relations team was more than half of the audience present. One of the men in formal wear posted the Weibo and comments posted by the entertainment star on the screen and looked at the few people:

"We received news that these pictures are all the evidence collected by this blogger. He has no other evidence to prove that you are together, so we temporarily guess that he is a blind sniper."

"He just wanted to get Xu Jian into the water this time. The purpose of finding such a topic should be to get the attention of the eye. The main purpose is to black Xu Jian and discredit Xu Jian's impression of passersby."

Xu Jian frowned after hearing this: "Am I in his way? Or did he say he was bought."

Another person in the public relations team held his glasses and said: "He had a large amount of money in his personal account two days ago, and it was found that the payer was Ling Fei's agent."

Everyone at the scene understood what this meant. It was obviously a black man who took money. Qin Chen looked at Xu Jian:

"Ling Fei? The man who wanted to perform in a variety show last time?"

Xu Jian was silly from the moment he heard Ling Fei's name, and after listening to Qin Chen's words, he recovered, frowning and nodding tightly:

"It's him, but why would he do this?"

Knowing that the relationship between the two of them is not good, but the well water does not violate the river water, and there is no conflict of interest, Xu Jian never thought that the other party did not like him so much that he would spend a lot of money to buy the water army black himself.

Pan Min, who was used to seeing him in the circle, looked at him after listening:

"The tree attracts the wind, the pink eye is jealous and jealous of people who are better than themselves, where do you need a reason?"

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