Chapter 73: mint

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Chapter 73: mint

When Xu Jian was still in ancient times, every time he went out for supper with Chen Doudou, he would choose the street behind the company.

The back street is very lively at night. A few tables and chairs are night snack stalls. I order crayfish and chat while eating. Chen Doudou and Xu Jian can eat several kilograms. The lobster shells are piled up high every time they check out.

Although Xu Jian does not drink alcohol, beer shrimp is his favorite flavor among all crayfish.

But since becoming a cat, Xu Jian hasn't eaten crayfish, nor mentioned it, so even Qin Chen didn't know that he liked it.

Jiang Lin squinted at the unexpected Xu Jian and laughed:

"It's not a secret thing, I know it's normal?"

After hearing this, Xu Jian felt very reasonable:


In a few words, Shen Xi had already peeled a small plate of shrimp, and he sent the plate to Jiang Lin obliquely:

"Lin Xie, you eat this."

Jiang Lin tilted his head and glanced at the shrimp meat that was soaked in spicy oil, which was very appetizing, but he slowly shook his head:

"You eat it yourself, I peel it myself."

Xu Jian, who put on gloves and was peeling shrimps, glanced at the two opposite people, and secretly guessed in his heart-the idol hasn't chased Mr. Jiang yet?

When he was distracted, Xu Jian had a flower in front of him, and when he looked again, he saw that there were a few more peeled shrimp in the bowl in front of him.

Xu Jian turned to look at Qin Chen: "You don't want to eat?"

Qin Shen: "I don't like this very much."

Qin Chen seemed to be slow and tidy, but the movements on his hands were very simple. His slender fingers pinched the crayfish head and tail respectively, and the shrimp came out with a twist and a twist. One could be peeled in a few seconds. See Xu Jian Amazed.

Over the years, Xu Jian and Chen Doudou have been in trouble together. I don’t know how many crayfishes. He thinks that he is an expert in peeling shrimps, but he did not expect that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and Qin Chen’s movements are more agile than him.

Seeing Qin Chen's movements, Xu Jian couldn't help but ask: "Why are you so proficient?"

Shen Xi and Jiang Lin also looked at him obliquely, and put the freshly peeled shrimp in a Xu Jian bowl. Qin Chen explained: "I have practiced in filming before."

A long time ago, Qin Chen made a TV series. In the drama, he played the role of the male lead peeling shrimps to the female lead. Qin Chen specially trained how to peel shrimps quickly.

After listening to Jiang Lin, he was taken aback: "Do you still have to learn this when filming?"

Qin Chen said lightly: "The lens needs it."

Jiang Lin slanted his face with an expression of'Awesome', and Shen Xi next to him curled his lips and said nothing.

With Qin Chen present, there were more and more shrimp in Xu Jian's bowl during the chatting. He glanced at Jiang Linxie and Shen Xi, feeling a little embarrassed. He touched Qin Chen with his elbow and spoke quietly:

"I have enough, no need to peel it, it will not taste good when it is cold."

Qin Shen nodded after listening, "Okay, let's talk about it after eating."

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