Chapter 38: Repay debt

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Chapter 38: Repay debt

After finishing work late at night and returning to the hotel, Qin Chen, who had been filming the scene for a whole day, came out and did not see any cat on the sofa or bed, but the keyboard ‘click’ on the other side of the curtain.

Qin Chen opened the curtains with his warm hands, and saw Xu Jian squatting on the computer desk with the computer on.

Xu Jian is typing on the keyboard. After many practice sessions, his typing speed and accuracy have improved a lot.

The light of the computer screen was reflected on Xu Jian's face, and Qin Chen inexplicably saw the seriousness and seriousness from his cat's face, which was as round as a plate.

Qin Chen Yuguang glanced at it, and on Nuo Da's screen was a chat box, and the remark was "doubendoubendou".

Raising his eyebrows, Qin Chen secretly guessed--this memo name, the other party is a girl?

Is it a girlfriend?

Pulling the chair beside him and sitting down, Qin Chen looked at Xu Jian, who turned his head quietly, and asked:

"How about chatting with friends?"

Seeing that it was Qin Chen, Xu Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded while complaining that he was walking without sound like a cat.

Qin Shen asked again: "Girlfriend?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white cat shook his head and tail together, and the negative meaning should not be too obvious.

Raising his paw and pressing the Enter button to send a message, Xu Jian moved his unobvious neck, then turned to look at Qin Chen:


girlfriend? What do you think?

If Chen Doudou knew that she was treated as a woman by Qin Chen, she would definitely jump in situ.

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Qin Shen said:

"Because you often chat with him."

Qin Chen felt that Xu Jian had become a cat, and he had to type a message to the person named "Douben Dou Bendou". Then this person must be very important to him.

After hearing Qin Chen's words, Xu Jian tilted his head slightly to look at him, with the meaning in his eyes: Do you have it?

After becoming a cat, Xu Jian's entertainment activities are much less. Although he is not a teenager with internet addiction, he also has a common problem of young people-mobile phones do not leave the body.

Before, he was scrupulous about Qin Chen, he used a computer secretly, and now he can finally surf the Internet openly, so naturally he won't let this opportunity pass.

So after returning to the hotel, as long as there are no outsiders, Xu Jian will use his computer to go online.

Qin Shen bought him a notebook for typing and communication, but Xu Jian felt that the notebook's built-in keyboard was not easy to use, so he used the hotel desktop more than the notebook.

But since that's it...

Xu Jian took a step back, then patted the place where he was sitting just now with his paws, patted and called to Qin Chen:


You come here.

Xu Jian even took photos with him. Qin Chen couldn't understand what he meant. With a little effort on his long legs, he slid over with the seat.

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