Chapter 55: At a loss

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Chapter 55: At a loss

What Shen Xi took out of his pocket were two small white velvet boxes.

After listening to his words, Qin Shen reached out to take it.

It is understandable that Jiang Lin obliquely gave Xu Jian a gift. Why is there also milk?

Xu Jian was also taken aback, tilted his head-both are mine?

Shen Xi paused for a while with his hands in midair, and raised his eyebrows when Qin Shen reacted:

"Although I don't have your share, you have your cat."

While speaking, Shen Xi put the two boxes on the dressing table in front of Qin Shen.

Xu Jian's eyes followed his movements, watching the velvet box on the table subconsciously lift its claws and pull it.

He was curious about what was inside.

Before Xu Jian Roudian touched the box, Qin Chen raised his hand and held his leg.

Holding Xu Jian's probing short legs, ignoring his puzzled gaze, Qin Chen looked at Shen Xi:

"The gift from President Jiang to Xu Jian, what are you doing for me?"

Shen Xi laughed: "I can't see others, Lin Xie said, you have a good relationship with Xu Jian, and it's the same for you."

Touching the cat's head, Qin Chen asked again:

"How did Mr. Jiang know that I have a cat?"

Hearing Qin Chen's words, Xu Jian was stunned-yes, Mr. Jiang should have never seen his cat body.

Last time Jiang Lin leaned over, Xu Jian happened to change back into a human being. Jiang Lin leaned never seen milk before, so why did he deliberately prepare a meeting ceremony?

Shen Xi looked at Qin Chen with a peculiar gaze, and then at Xu Jian on his leg. After two seconds of silence, he slowly spoke:

"Don't say Lin Xian, now the whole network may know that you have a cat called Milk."

Shen Xi's words were exaggerated, but they made sense.

After this period of time, Weibo shows off cats and sunning cats, and even the crew must bring cats. The image of Qin Chen Maokong has been deeply rooted in the people.

So Jiang Lin obliquely knew it was not surprising.

Looking down at Xu Jian with a well-behaved face, Qin Chen raised his eyes and looked at Shen Xi:

"You said yesterday that you had something to tell him face-to-face. Is that what happened?"

Shen Xi shook his head: "No."

As for what Shen Xi wanted to tell Xu Jian, Qin Shenmei continued to ask.

Because if you ask clearly, he will not say.

There was silence in the dressing room for two seconds. Shen Xi glanced at the two boxes and asked, "Don't you open it?"

Since it was a gift to Xu Jian and Milk, Shen Xi had not opened it without authorization. He was very curious about what was inside.

Xu Jian opened her mouth in a timely manner and gave a 'meow', which meant--

Open it quickly.

In the past, Xu Jian did not understand the common saying "curiosity kills a cat". Now he understands that the curiosity of cats is much heavier than that of people.

Staring at the two boxes, Xu Jian felt like there was a funny cat sweeping in his heart, and couldn't wait to know what was inside.

Understanding Xu Jian's urging, Qin Chen picked up the two boxes. When he opened them, Xu Jian and Shen Xi craned their necks to look.

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