Chapter 56: backpack

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Chapter 56: backpack

Knowing that Xu Jian could understand, Qin Chen stopped the topic.

Xu Jian looked at Qin Chen and then at Pan Min, who was twitching his eyebrows, and felt that the atmosphere between the two was a little strange.

Contacting the sentence he heard just now, Xu Jian thought to his heart--

Could it be that Qin Chen has a sweetheart?

Suddenly, Xu Jian felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and his chest was blocked in panic.

Xu Jian had a sad face when he was loaded into the air box, thinking with mixed thoughts:

If Qin Shen has a sweetheart, what will Mr. Du do?

In this way, I was stuck all the way to Nanfeng City. When Qin Chen left the airport, seeing that Xu Jian was not in a high mood, he thought it was caused by uncomfortable shipping.

Xu Jian didn't eat a few bites when eating lunch outside. Xiao Nan touched his chin, and asked:

"Isn't it too long to return to Nanfeng City, the milk is not satisfied?"

Pan Min looked at her: "Will you be uncomfortable going back to your own home?"

Xiao Nan looked serious: "If I stay at home for a long time, my mother will see me becoming uncomfortable."

Qin Chen was also worried about Xu Jian, but because Xiaonan and Pan Min were here, he couldn't say much.

Xiao Nan and Pan Min left after sending Qin Chen home. After closing the door, Qin Chen took off his mask and sunglasses and put them on the porch cabinet.

Sweeping his gaze randomly on the entrance, Qin Chengang wanted to ask Xu Jian what happened today, but his gaze suddenly froze somewhere.

There is a black backpack on the entrance cabinet that does not belong to him.

Xu Jian, who was rubbing his four mats on the door blanket, saw Qin Chen still motionless, and looked up at him with a sad expression:


Why aren't you leaving?

Xu Jian was too short. He couldn't see the backpack at his height. Qin Chen looked down at him, then bent over and hugged him in his arms, with a serious tone:

"This bag, did we not have it when we left?"

Regarding the backpack that appeared in his house inexplicably, Qin Chen did not act rashly. He didn't know what was inside.

In recent years, it's not uncommon for news that illegitimate fans or black fans arrive at the home address of celebrity artists and then give some weird 'gifts'. Qin Chen is worried that his address will be leaked without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Qin Chen held Xu Jian a little further away from the bag.

Unlike the cautious Qin Chen, Xu Jian was taken aback when he saw the black backpack. The next second, his eyes lit up, and he was about to pounce on the backpack meowing.

Xu Jian reacted violently, Qin Chen shook his hand and almost didn't hug him.

Frightened and pressed the cat in his arms to prevent him from falling off, Qin Chen raised Xu Jian to his eyes, stared at him and asked:

"Do you know this backpack?"

Xu Jian's four short legs kicked the lights in the air and nodded repeatedly.

Seeing his emotions so excited, Qin Chen had a bold conjecture in his heart:

"This yours?"

Xu Jian continued to nod his head and opened his mouth: "Meow~"

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