Chapter 86: Small

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Chapter 86: Small

The two who jumped excitedly in front of Xu Jian were no one else except Tang Li and Du Zezhou.

Tang Li and Xu Jian knew him, but the other party didn't know that he was milk, so Xu Jian had to pretend that he met for the first time. As for Du Zezhou...

While Xu Jian calmly looked at Du Zezhou, Du Zezhou and Tang Li looked at him openly and rubbed their chins. Then Tang Li narrowed his eyes and said to himself:

"Why look so familiar?"

Hearing Tang Li's words, Xu Jian's throat tightened, and a heart raised his throat, thinking-could Tang Li see that he was the milk he had tossed up before?

So keen? No way?

Du Zezhou turned his head to look at Tang Li: "You met before?"

Tang Li stared directly at Xu Jian, neither saying yes nor saying no. In the end, Qin Chen, who walked in from the terrace, found Xu Jian who had been'besieged', and walked over to push the two of them away to rescue Xu Jian. come out.

Qin Chen took Xu Jian's arm, but said to Tang Li and the others:

"What do you two do to block people at the door."

Glancing at Qin Chen's arm protecting Xu Jian, Tang Li and Du Zezhou looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes:

Hey, this is not together yet, look at how Qin Chen is protecting the calf.

Naturally, Tang Li would not let go of this great opportunity to tease Qin Chen, winking at Qin Chen, smiling meaningfully:

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to people. You don't need to be so nervous."

Du Zezhou smiled, raised his hand and patted Qin Chen's arm, and gestured to Xu Jian, raising his chin:

"Don't introduce us?"

Knowing that Tang Li and Du Zezhou have always watched the excitement and are not too big of a character, and fearing that they will miss out later, Qin Chen glanced at them with warning.

Tang Li understood the meaning in his eyes but deliberately pretended not to know. He stretched out his hand to Xu Jian not afraid of death, and introduced himself with a smile:

"Hello, little brother, my name is Tang Li, Qin Chen's child."

Seeing the mischievous smile on Tang Li's face, Qin Chen felt that his temples jumped suddenly, and he began to regret calling him this troublemaker.

To the smile on Tang Li's face, Xu Jian instantly remembered the days when the crew was tossed by him, and he hesitated for two seconds when he reached out:

"Hello, this is Xu Jian, Qin Chen's...friend."

Xu Jian paused when he said the word 'friend', apparently considering the words.

Tang Li quickly shook Xu Jian's hand, with a suddenly realized expression:

"I said, why are you so familiar? I have seen your photos on the Internet before, and you were on the hot search with Brother Shen before. It turns out that you and Brother Shen are colleagues."

Seeing Tang Li, who kept shaking his hand, Xu Jian reacted-it turned out that he didn't think he was like milk.

After a false alarm, Xu Jian breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Tang Li, "Yes."

Xu Jian was a little embarrassed when he was so confused and Qin Chen was so hot, saying that he was a colleague of Qin Chen.

When Tang Li kept holding Xu Jian's hand, Qin Chen looked at him displeased: "Okay, you have a good memory."

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