Chapter 88: brother

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Chapter 88: brother

Xu Jian will restore the factory settings every time he changes, so even if he and Qin Chen have shown their hearts and their relationship has become clear, Xu Jian did not hesitate to refuse after hearing Qin Chen's proposal to sleep together at night.

Today is different. If he woke up naked on Qin Chen's bed again, Xu Jian was 99% confident that they would wipe out their guns early in the morning.

They haven't been together for half a day, so it's better to be more reserved.

After changing back to a cat in advance, Xu Jian became a cat food eater again. After eating a little, he was full. Qin Chen wiped his mouth with a tissue, and his eyes stared at the dry eel in Qin Chen's bowl. fish.

Seeing him greedy, Qin Chen wanted to let him eat more, his eyes swept over his mellow body, and decisively dispelled the idea.

For the health of this little ancestor, it is better to control his diet.

Lying on the bed at night, Xu Jian looked at her furry pad, full of doubts:

Moustache said before that crossing the Yang Qi can prolong the time for him to become a human. Why did he not extend it today, but earlier?

Could it be that the method of crossing Yang Qi no longer works? Or the mustache lied to them?

The latter one might have been cut off by Xu Jian as soon as he appeared. It is impossible for the mustache to spend so much money for two dollars, not to mention that this method was indeed useful before today.

I thought about breaking my head and didn't think of any thoughts, but Xu Jian was stunned by his own thoughts, fighting with eyelids, and didn't know when he fell asleep.


The next day Xu Jian got up earlier than Qin Chen. After he dressed and washed, there was no movement in Qin Chen's room.

Standing in front of Qin Chen's door, and listening to the door with his ears for a few seconds, Xu Jian was a little surprised: Is this still awake?

If he remembers correctly, Qin Shen has a job today and will go to the company in the morning.

It was too early, so he glanced down at the concealed door, Xu Jian thought for a while, raised his hand and knocked on the door twice, whispering:

"Qin Shen? Are you awake?"

After asking, Xu Jian listened again, but still did not hear any movement.

Standing outside the door for a while, Xu Jian finally opened the door cautiously.

The curtains on both sides of Qin Chen's room were tightly drawn and did not transmit light at all. The vision was too dark. After losing the cat's vision advantage, Xu Jian could only see the protruding outline of the bed after squinting his eyes.

While slowing down and walking towards the bed, Xu Jian lowered his voice and tried to speak:

"It's almost nine o'clock, are you awake?"

Qin Chen lying on the bed motionless, did not respond, obviously still in a dream.

Xu Jian didn't expect that Qin Shen would still have a day of oversleeping. After smiling, he approached the bed and pulled the quilt, saying:

"Get up, you have to go to the father today..."

As soon as he pulled the quilt, Xu Jian didn't say a word completely. Qin Chen, who was lying with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, raised his hand to accurately pull on his wrist which was pulling the quilt, and then bent down with a slight effort. Xu Jian's unsteady center of gravity rushed onto the bed.

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