Chapter 111: Confession

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Chapter 111: Confession

Xu Jian's three-day holiday passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye he was about to return to the crew. When he went to the airport, Qin Chen was caught by the company and didn't have time to send him off.

In the airport waiting room, Pan Min swiped Weibo with his tablet, and turned his head to ask Xu Jian:

"How long have you not posted on Weibo?"

Xu Jian, who doesn't read Weibo often, thought about it. Before he could come up with an answer, Zhu Liang next to him answered for him:

"It's almost a month."

Xu Jian turned to look at Zhu Liang: "Have you been so long?"

Zhu Guangliang's head: "Yes."

Seeing that Xu Jian himself had forgotten, Pan Min looked at him disapprovingly:

"You don't have any work on the air now, and Weibo is growing grass. Those fans who have risen before are almost gone."

From previous hot searches until now, Xu Jian's fans have broken through the million mark, but Xu Jian always feels that most of it is for Qin Chen.

He also secretly asked Zhu Liang if the company bought him fans for the sake of his data.

Pan Min asked Xu Jian to post on Weibo every two or three days. Posting photos and daily routines is fine, maintaining exposure, and finally said:

"When Ranbu Feijian is photographed later, fans will come to visit the class."

"Fans visiting the class?" Xu Jian was taken aback, and pointed at himself: "Visit my class?"

Pan Min looked at him and asked instead, "Isn't it who you are?"

Xu Jian lowered his voice when he heard the words, and cautiously asked: "Sister Pan, is it a real fan or a bought one?"

He knows that, in order to get the actors in front, the company will deliberately spend money to hire artificial forces, commonly known as childcare.

After listening to him, Pan Min looked at him with no anger: "The company doesn't have this spare money."

Xu Jian: "So you really are my fans?"

Pan Min: "Of course."

Xu Jian, who got an affirmative answer, was shocked. He still has real fans? ?

Later, Pan Min told him that this was the first time he organized an event since the establishment of his support club, and he could not be sloppy. He told him in advance that he was psychologically prepared.

There is still almost a month left to explore the class, but since Pan Min told Xu Jian about it, he has always felt an unreality in his heart--

Does he have fans too?

Clicking on Weibo and looking at his comment area, Xu Jian realized that he didn't know when he started, and the number of his few comments turned out to be hundreds of them.

Xu Jian sent a screenshot of his latest Weibo comment area to Qin Shen with the following words:

[I am also a person with hundreds of comments. 】

After taking over a project from the company, it should be half an hour after Qin Chen saw the news. He smiled and replied:

[You will become more and more popular in the future. 】

[There will be thousands, hundreds of thousands of comments. 】

Xu Jian: [Believe me so? 】

Qin Shen: [I am waiting for you on the podium of the best actor. 】

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