C1-- Becoming A Cat

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C1-- Becoming A Cat

Published by UntamedS (UntamedAlley) on August 14, 2020

Xu Jian hadn't eaten for almost two days.

To be exact, he woke up to find himself a cat and hadn't gotten any water.

Looking at his reflection in the puddle on the ground, Xu Jian was at a loss. He didn't know how he had become a long haired cat.

Yes, he became a cat that meowed.

The cat in the reflection had a pair of big round ice blue eyes, it's body was completely white except for a little patch of black fur on its front left leg.

Xu Jian didn't have a cat when he was a man. He didn't know anything about cats. He didn't know what kind of cat he was now. He could only judge himself as a male cat according to his meager knowledge.

But from his appearance, he felt that even if he had become a cat, he was also a cat with super high value. Look at his long white hair.


Xu Jian stepped on the puddle, and the reflection in the water was instantly broken and scattered, his heart was annoying and chaotic-

Who wanted to be a cat?

Even a stray cat!

Looking at his right hand stained with water, no ... Now it was precisely the right paw. Xu Jian swore at the puddle, but all that came out was a soft, "meow ~"

Xu Jian: "..."

Even after waking up two days ago, Xu Jian couldn't accept the fact that he had changed from a man to a cat.

In a bad mood, he really wanted to find somewhere to calm down.

Leaving the puddle expressionlessly, Xu Jian walked back to the depths of the alley, and jumped into his temporary nest with strength-

A tattered cardboard box that had been flooded.

Xu Jian woke up in this broken carton two days ago, so even if he was hungry now, he couldn't be too far away from the carton.

Because he thought he might find a way to change into a person on this carton.

But these two days, he just scratched the carton and got nothing.

Lying in a cardboard box that wouldn't block the wind and rain, hunger struck in bursts, almost making Xu Jian dizzy and unable to see things around him.

He was now in a small alley where the environment was not very bad. There were two large garbage bins under the street light about ten meters away from the carton. Every day, the surrounding residents threw garbage into it. In the past two days, he had also seen several stray cats and dogs looking for food in the garbage bins.

There was even a civet cat digging out half of the cold steamed bread, meowing and sharing with Xu Jian. Since becoming a cat, Xu Jian found himself able to understand cat language.

Xu Jian was deeply moved by the behavior of civet cat, and then refused while meowing.

He had been a man for more than 20 years, and even if he was unlucky to become a stray cat, he couldn't accept the food in the trash can.

He Woke Up And Became The Actor's CatWhere stories live. Discover now