Chapter 30: frank

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Chapter 30: frank

Xu Jian told Qin Chen seriously that he was milk and his cat.

Qin Chen who heard his words: "..."

Feeling fooled.

If it wasn't because Xu Jian was still a stranger to Qin Chen, he would definitely touch Xu Jian's forehead to keep it hot.

Early in the morning, I started talking nonsense, either people were burnt out or there was a problem with their brains.

But looking at Xu Jian's behavior, it didn't look like he was mentally ill or unconscious, so Qin Chen turned black and looked at him:

"I didn't call the police just because I wanted to hear your explanation, and are you kidding me now?"

Qin Chen thought Xu Jian was the one who crawled on his bed, but the moment he opened the quilt just now, he could see that the opponent was clean and there was no trace of ambiguity.

So he was sure that nothing happened to them last night.

Because of this, he has the patience to sit here and listen to Xu Jian's explanation.

However, the other party didn't seem to think so, and used a reason that even a three-year-old would not believe that he was a cat to prevaricate him.

And Xu Jian knew that what he said was unbelievable. If Qin Chen immediately accepted the cat after listening to it, he would be unrealistic. When he decided to tell the truth, he also guessed Qin Chen's reaction now.

By now, Xu Jian had calmed down instead. He looked at Qin Chen's unhappy expression and said calmly:

"I know you won't be able to accept it for a while, but what I said is true. I am milk. The reason why I appeared on your bed is because I was lying on the bed with Xiao Nan yesterday after returning."

Qin Chen was silent for two seconds after hearing this, and asked him:

"Do you need me to get a doctor for you?"

Seeing Xu Jian's plausible words, Qin Chen began to wonder if he really had a bad brain and had an idiot.

Or is it afraid of calling the police, deliberately pretending to be crazy and stupid in front of him, trying to get through?

After listening to Qin Chen's words, Xu Jian: "..."

I thank you, but I am not sick, so I don’t need to call a doctor.

Xu Jian took a deep breath, then crackled like pouring beans and explained the whole story:

"My original name was Xu Jian. In August, I was fired by the company and had a car accident on my way home. Then I woke up and turned into a cat. I also know this is very fantasy, but the fact is that I became a cat queen. Inadvertently broke into your community and met you. You scared my ham sausage at the time. You took me to get a vaccination and take a bath. The doctor praised me that I was not afraid of water..."

"... You thought the cat was lost when you were in estrus in August. That time I suddenly became a human being. I confessed that I secretly wore your clothes while you were away. It was the one where you later found 10,000 yuan in it. A sweater."

"You said that you met me in the community, then you must remember that the clothes I was wearing were yours. I happened to meet you after I came out."

"You said that I caught your two pants with five holes. Actually, I was holding my temporary ID card from the inside of my pants. Now my temporary ID card is still on the top of the air conditioner in your guest bedroom. I was holding it. The curtains were finally put on, you don’t believe you can go back and have a look next time."

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