eyebrows | jj maybank

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y/n and jj are having the typical day — sitting on the bed either watching a movie or going on their phones

"hey j, I have a question" y/n says turning to face towards him

"what's up?" JJ looks at her and asks

"can i do your eyebrows?" she asks him

"god no" he replies resting his head on my shoulder

"cmon j please" she says to him again

"no y/n" jj tells her "come on let's watch a movie" He says holding his arms out. I sit at the other end of the bed and grab the remote.

"if i let u do my eyebrows will you come cuddle with me?" jj says with a sigh

"yes, yes i will!" y/n says with a smile

"fine, you can do my eyebrows, only if i get to pick a movie and we can cuddle after" JJ says

"okay!" y/n gets up and goes to her bathroom to grab her eyebrow razor and tweezers.

she sits infront of JJ and cup his face. y/n then shapes his eyebrows and tweezes a bit off

"shit, that hurts y/n" JJ groans

"i'm almost done, stop whining" she laughs doing the last bit she needed to do

"and..i'm done!" y/n claps and puts her stuff back "that wasn't so bad was it JJ"

"yea yea now come here" JJ says as he wraps his arms around her waist bringing me down onto his lap.


march 4th 2023:

im definitely gonna edit this chapter, it's so messy but it was my first ever wattpad thing i wrote

april 9th 2023:
i'm editing this book for sure

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