sick, jj maybank

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summary: y/n says she's sick but jj doesn't believe her until she passes out

this was a request:)


"JJ I DONT feel well i've told you mutiple times" y/n mumbled putting her face into the pillows. jj scoffed and pulled the pillow away from her

"hun i know you don't like parties but cmon, john b is gonna be there, kie, sarah, pope" jj said sitting beside you on the bed. you sigh and walk over to the dresser

"i'm showing up in leggings and a hoodie" y/n said grabbing a pair of leggings and jjs hoodie

"i don't care what you wear" jj said with a goofy smile "as long as your coming"

you change into your outfit and jj takes you out to his motorcycle

"jj if i ride this i'll puke" you say shaking your head "we're taking my car"

"don't be dramatic" jj says sitting the passenger seat of your car. you make sure the music is down so you head doesn't explode.

one of jjs favourite songs came on and he cranked the radio. you slapped his hand and turned it down.

"jj i have a headache leave the music down" you say turning into the chateaus driveway. jj nods and the group piles into your car.

it didn't take long to get to the bonfire, once you guys made it you went your separate ways.

it was an hour into the party and you haven't drank or smoked anything. you weren't feeling well at all.

jj held you in his arms as the two of you sway to the music.

"jj i really don't feel well" you mumbled feeling your eyes getting heavy. you vaguely remember what happened next.

"y/n" jjs voice was faint but recognizable "hey love, come on"

"jj what happened" john b said running over "dude is she okay"

"i don't know john b" jj snapped. people started surrounding you and jj told all of them to go away.

"jj she needs to go home" kiara said.

"i already know that" jj snapped again. he was worried, he should've of believed you.

he didn't wanna move you until you woke up.

"jj" you mumble. he let out a sigh of relief and helped you slowly stand up.

you stumble a bit but jj holds you steady.

"i just wanna go home" you whisper leaning into his chest. jj nods and walks you to your car. john b, pope and kie followed close behind.

"drop us off at the chateau, i can drive those two home" john b said. jj nodded and took the trio to john bs place.

it didn't take long to get back to your place, jj was speeding so that could be a factor too.

"do you need anything" jj asked once he got you into bed. he already got advil and water and put it on the nightstand.

you shake your head and jj lays beside you. he holds you tightly and kisses the back of your head.

"i'm so sorry i didn't believe you" jj whispered. you turn to face him and cup his face

"can you let go of me it's really hot" you joked. jj shook his his head and held you closer to him

"last time i let you go you passed out so no" jj laughed. of course, he's going to be overly clingy now.


i hate ending chapters like how tf do i end them

wattpad wtf fix ur dm thing. i send a smiley face and it turns into 😀

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