mini jj, the pogues

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summary: jj spends the day with his family.

single dad jj 🫡🫡

addison = daughter :)

"HEY ITS MINI JJ" JOHN B SAID PICKING UP THE FOUR YEAR OLD INFRONT OF HIM. addie just laughed and wrapped her arms around her uncles neck.

"can we go on the boat today" addison asked her uncle. john b thought for a moment and then shrugged. why not

"be careful with her bird shit" jj said walking up the chateau stairs. addie looked at her dad and uncle confused? bird shit?

"is uncle bs real name bird shit" the little girl asked confused "that's all daddy calls you uncle b"

"your daughter is gonna call me birdshit
now" john b said "she really is a mini jj"

"that's my girl" jj smiled and took his daughter from john b. kie and pope walked up onto the porch, sarah followed with cleo not long after.

"can we go swimming" addison asks playing with her dads necklace. the group was sitting around the hammocks drinking, addison was drinking a juice box.

"if everyone else wants to go then sure princess" jj said smiling down at his daughter.

"guys we're going swimming" addison said getting off the hammock and jumping around excitedly.

"hun you didn't ask anyone" jj said "ask them"

"do you guys wanna go to the beach" she said giving puppy dogs eyes to all of them. it was met with "yeah" "of course" and a "not the eyes"

"okay cupcake let's get you dressed" jj said picking up addison and walking towards the chateau. jj got her in her bathing suit and grabbed her floaties from the closet. everyone else was already dressed and ready so they all went down to the boneyard.

"stay where i can see you okay" jj said looking at his daughter "and no going into the deep part, make sure you can still feel the sand"

"okay daddy" she giggled "cmon uncle b"

"i'm comin shorty" john b said following the kid to the water.

"your a good dad you know" kie said interlocking her fingers with jjs.

"i try my best" he replied "i just want her to grow up differently from me you know"

"i know" kie replied "she adores you though, i think your doing a good job"

"daddy uncle b threw me in the water" addison said running up to her dad.

"i guess we better go get him huh" jj laughed. addison nodded her head and ran out towards the water, jj hot on her tail.

he's definitely doing this right.

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