custody, jj maybak

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go read the chapter "daughter" to understand this.

summary: kiara petitions for custody of her and jjs daughter.


"daddy daddy look what i found" quinn ran up to her father "it's a she shell"

jj smiled when his daughter couldn't pronounce seashell properly. he thought it was adorable.

"that's a cute seashell" jj smiled "should we bring it to uncle b"

"let's go bring it to mommy, uncle b, aunt sarah and uncle pope. we're gonna show all of em" quinn said. jj picked her up and they walked back towards the chateau.

pope, sarah, john b and y/n were sitting at the chateau. jj wanted to spend some alone time with his daughter so he decided to bring her to the boneyard.

"there's my favourite girl" y/n smiled when she saw jj and quinn walk up to the chateau "what do you got there q"

"look mommy it's a she shell" quinn told y/n. a smile never left the girls face "daddy taught me if you put it to ur ear u can hear the water"

"oh really" y/n looked up at jj and smiled "do you wanna try it"

quinn nodded her head and sat beside y/n in the hammock. quinn put it up to her own ear and her face fell in shock

"uncle b listen to this" quinn got off the hammock and ran over to her uncle. she brought it up to her uncles ear and his jaw jokingly dropped

"okay q it's time for a nap" jj smiled lazily at the young girl "let's go in-"

"is there a jesse james maybank here" a guy in a fancy suit walked over towards the group. jj gave quinn to sarah and walked towards the man

"that's me" jj looked the guy up and down. kook shit. "what's with the fancy suit,
put some shorts on man"

"you've been served" the guy bluntly said and walked away. jj opened the envelope and read the paper.

"what the fuck" was the first thing that came out of jjs mouth "oh my god"

"jj what" pope asked. the rest of the group was confused. they all knew it was a lawyer and but why?

jj dropped the envelope on the ground and walked towards the front door of the chateau. y/n got off the hammock and walked over towards the envelope

she knew this was most likely illegal to look at the documents but she didn't care.

"kiara petitioned for full custody" y/n said. poor quinn was still so confused on what was happening.

"are you good with staying here with -" john b cut her off

"he needs someone. we'll stay with quinn" john b said. y/n nodded and walked over to the chateau doors.

"j" y/n asked walking to the kitchen. he was leaning his hands on the counter. his breathing was heavy and he had tears running down his cheeks

"i can't loose her y/n i can't" jj sobbed. y/n put her arms around his neck and held him. jj wrapped his arms around her waist and sobbed into her shoulder

"i can't loose her, she's all i got" jj sniffled. y/ns heart shattered into a million different pieces.

"we're gonna fight this jj" y/n promised "my parents have friends that are lawyers"

"i don't got the money for a good lawyer y/n/n. i probably could get like whatever it's called. public defender like u find on a bus bench" jj started pacing around the kitchen

"jj i can pay for lawyer it's okay, she's my kid too" y/n said standing infront of him "you gonna win this"

y/n wiped the tear stains off of jjs face and  kissed his forehead. the couple heard running near the kitchen. quinn was running and john b was chasing after her

"sorry she got out of sarah's grip" john b apologized. jj picked up his daughter and held her close to him

"daddy we're you cryin" quinn asked titling her head.

"nah daddy doesn't cry" jj joked "i love you q, you know that right"

"of course i know that" quinn smiled at her dad. john b felt bad, she was so young and is going to go through a custody battle.

"good because your my girl and i won't let anything happen to you" jj smiled at the girl. she resembled kiara somewhat but she had his eyes and blonde hair.

quinn smiled and put her head on her dads shoulder.

jj really hoped he didn't lose her.

this is really long but it's gonna b a three parter where the custody battle is in the next one

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