little sister | jj maybank

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i love seeing jj little sister ones so i'm doing one of those :)
also your 13-14 in this jj is like 16

TW ⚠️ abuse, swearing, luke maybank, body shaming, slut shaming, skip if you don't feel comfortable reading
"where have you been this week" luke spats at his daughter when she walks through the door. y/n doesn't answer and silently walks towards her room when luke stops her.

"answer me when i'm fucking talking to you" he says standing in front of the young girl.

"i-i've been at a friends" y/n says not making eye contact with the man in front of her. he roughly grabs her chin making her have eye contact with him

"bullshit, you we're probably whoring around like your mother did" he says letting go of the girls chin and slapping her across the face. (tw abuse starts here, skip if you feel uncomfortable with any of this). y/n nodded at his words knowing if she agreed with him she'll be let off easily but as she tries to walk away from her father again he roughly grabs a piece of her of hair and yanks her back.  luke then proceeds to punch the girl knocking her down hitting her head on the hardwood floor. he kicks the teenage girl on the side and then proceeds to speak again.

"your a whore just like your mother was!" luke screams at the young girl on the floor throwing punches at her left and right. he finally finishes by throwing a beer bottle at her head and walking back to the table where he previously was. y/n goes to go to her room when luke speaks up again.

"don't even think your getting dinner tonight either, your already fat enough" he says taking a drink of a new beer he found. y/n walks upstairs to her room wiping her nose seeing blood on her hand. she grabs a hoodie and walks out of her window over to the chateau where she knew jj was.
y/n makes it to the chateau wiping tears off her cheeks.

"hey y/n! what's been up- what the hell happened to your face!" john b practically yells walking towards the girl, her backing away from him.

"john b shut up! your scaring her, pope go get jj" kie says. pope goes running in to get jj. y/n keeps backing up and breathing heavily when jj comes rushing outside.

"y/n holy shit" he says jogging towards the girl making sure not to scare her.
y/n starts crying again when jj comes infront of her.

"your suppose to be there!" y/n yells at the boy "your suppose to protect me from him". jj quickly brings his little sister into a hug rubbing her back. she clenches her jaw when jj wraps his arms around her sides

"hey hey, i'm sorry i wasn't there, he's not gonna touch you again" jj says, the three other pogues going into the chateau leaving the two alone.

"i can't take him anymore jj!" y/n says words muffled by her brothers shirt.

"it's all gonna be okay y/n" he says letting go of the hug "let's get you cleaned up yea?" he says. the two walk into the chateau when all eyes are on them making jj glare at them.

"stop looking" he mouths at the 3 other pogues in the room, them all looking away. they make it to the washroom and y/n jumps onto the counter.

"why did you go home?" jj says grabbing the rubbing alcohol and a cloth.

"i thought he was gonna be at barrys getting coke or something and i needed clothes" y/n answers truthfully

"where we're you staying" jj asks cleaning her cuts apologizing when she winced at the rubbing alcohol coming into contact with her skin.

"i was staying at maeves house, but i was running out of clothes and her clothes don't fit me" y/n says taking her hood down her sweater lifting a bit.

"y/n you have a huge ass bruise down your side" jj says noticing it, running his fingers up and down it. he continues to clean the cuts on her face heading to the one on her forehead.

"he threw a beer bottle there, it shattered on my head" y/n explains while jj wipes the dry blood off her forehead

"if you go back there don't use the front door, use my window" he says putting a bandage on her forehead. y/n nods and jumps off the counter and goes out the bathroom door, jj right behind her. y/n sits on one of john bs couches.

"hey, we'll go and get clothes later when he's passed out" jj says grabbing two beers and sitting beside her.

"m'kay" y/n says taking one of the beers, jj then taking it back

"you might be hurt but your still to underage to drink" jj says taking the beer and passing it to kie.

"yea yea" y/n says laughing a bit.

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