remembered pt2 | jj maybank

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read forgotten before u read this!! it'll make this chapter less confusing

"what the hell" y/n mumbles waking up. she heard taps on her window that caused her to wake up

"hey let me in?" jj whisper shouts when he sees her walk towards the window. y/n was shocked at first, jj returned? or was she having a bad dream. she goes back into reality and shakes her head no. why would she let him come in after what he had done

he taps on the window a few more times before y/n had enough and opened it. she didn't wanna open it, he just got annoying and she wanted to sleep.

"what do you want maybank" y/n questions, anger lacing her voice. she had a right to be pissed off, they left her, she didn't leave them.

"woah woah woah, you only call me maybank when your pissed off at me" jj replies "why are you mad at me?"

"your really asking that? jj you left me here, you didn't even think twice about letting me know that you were okay" y/n says angrily "you didn't even come back for me, you forgot me"

"that's what your pissed about? me leaving? i didn't forget you y/n" jj defends himself "i thought about you every single day i was stranded on that island, i never forgot you"

"i thought about you everyday too, everyday" y/n admits "but you guys left me, i made new friends that i know won't forget me, they remember me, they include me in everything"

"y/n y-you don't understand" jj yells "i wanted to come back for you but john b didn't let me, he was to focused on sarah to let me come back and get you, i remembered you, i never fucking forgot you"

y/n went silent after his last sentence, should she believe him? maybe he was telling the truth but she was being to stubborn to realize it. maybe she wasn't being stubborn and knew that he was lying

"prove it" y/n says suddenly. jj gives her a confused look after her sentence, what did she mean by prove it

"what" he asks

"prove it, prove that you never forgot me, prove that you remembered me" y/n yells "make me believe you and believe what your saying is true"

"i texted you everyday i was gone, look at my phone" jj hands her his phone "look at our messages, not delivered, i texted you everyday, i would never forget you love, never in a-"

"d-don't call me that. you don't get to call me love" she interrupts him looking through the messages. he really did text her everyday he was gone, the messages ranged between "i miss you" "i'm sorry i left" and "i love you"

"believe me now? i always remembered you" jj says taking his phone back. she has no words for the boy, should she forgive him, or should she still be mad?

this part sucks anywho i started school

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