brother | john booker routledge/jj maybank

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summary: your brother john b finds out your dating his best friend

warnings: swearing and argument :)

"what rafe wasn't good enough for you so you decided to go after my best friend" john b yells at his younger sister, well by just a year.

"i never dated rafe! and it's not my fault that we have feelings for eachother" y/n yells back. her and john b were in an argument after he got told that the two were dating. he was the only one who didn't know, for this exact reason.

"jb-" jj tries to talk with him

"shut up, jj, your suppose to be my best friend, best friends don't go and date each others sisters" john b says looking in jjs direction.

"i'm sorry, but can you really be talking? remember when we were 15?" jj reminds him "you dated my sister, for a week though, then you broke her heart and she ran away, haven't seen her since"

"i apologized for that jj!" john b says "you two can't date"

"you can't tell me what to do! your not my fucking dad" y/n says to her brother once again

"i'm your big brother, and jj will break your heart in half if you date him" john b says

"no he won't! he hasn't for the 9 months, the amount time we've been together" y/n says defending jj.

"do you know how many tourists he flirted with in the past 9 months?" john b yells

"do you know how many tourists i've flirted with in the past nine months, it was to hide our relationship from you, because, everyone knows you would react like this" y/n says again.

"fine but when he goes and breaks your heart, don't come crawling back seeking for comfort" john b says "because i know he'll break your heart sooner or later"

"no he won't! he loves me and i love him" y/n says again. jj just stands there feeling sorry knowing it was his fault that the two were arguing. it wasn't his fault, john b just overreacts a lot

"when he breaks your heart you'll go back to whoring around with every tourist you see again" john b says immediately regretting his choice of words

"that wasn't necessary jo-" jj says trying to defend y/n but gets interrupted by y/n herself

"fuck you" y/n spats walking out of the chateau.

"hey y/n-" kie tries to say but she just pushes past her and down to the dock.

"what's her problem- john b what did you do?" pope says accusing john b

"being a dick again" jj said brushing past john b. jj quickly ran after y/n, he felt bad that he was getting inbetween the siblings

"hey j" y/n sniffled looking at the water. jj silently sat beside her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"he didn't mean it you know" jj said pulling her close. he felt y/n nod against his chest and he wiped the tears off her face

"who cares what he thinks" jj started again rubbing a hand up and down her shoulder "i love you and that's all that matters"

"i love you too j" y/n replied snuggling closer to jj. she didn't care what john b thought — it was just her and jj

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