easter, jj maybank

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summary: jj spends easter with your family :)

someone requested a second jj w
y/ns family and it was easter soo 🤷‍♀️

happy easter if you celebrated:)


"YOU KNOW i never ever celebrated easter" jj whispered anxiously tapping his fingers on your thigh "or chirstmas, my dad was too fucked to do anything"

"we're gonna have fun don't worry" y/n smiled kissing jjs cheek. you run your finger lightly over the bruise on his eye.

his dad. again

"brace yourself son" y/ns dad turned to look at jj "we have a lot of family"

"dad stop" y/n laughed "you'll be fine j"

jj nodded and followed you out of the car. he's met your dads family once or twice but not your moms side.

"there's my grand baby" y/ns grandma said walking up to the duo "and who's this fine young man"

"jj" he smiled. she softly smiled at her grand daughters boyfriend and ushered the two in the living room.

"is this your boyfriend" y/ns cousin whispered pointing to jj "he's cute, did he get into a fight"

"he is my boyfriend" y/n nodded. jj laughed and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. he was grateful she ignored the fight comment.

"your painting eggs with me" y/ns youngest cousin said grabbing jjs hand. he looked at y/n and shrugged while following the six year old into the kitchen.

"huh none of your other boyfriends would've agreed to that" y/ns uncle commented "good for jj"

after awhile you decide to check up on jj, to make sure he didn't get bored to death.

"hi j" you say wrapping your arms around his neck. he holds your hand and  continues painting the egg with the other.

"hi honey" jj smiles looking up at you "come paint eggs it's actually fun"

"she's usally grumpy when these things happen" y/ns cousin said "she sits in a corner and goes on her phone"

"your brutally honest for a six year old" jj commented "respect"

"i know" she shrugged finishing her egg. y/n sat down beside jj and started her own egg.

"so you a fighter there jj" her grandpa asked pointing to his eye.

"play fighting got a little to rough" jj lied. it was easy for him to lie, he was raised that way.

"hey jj can you pass me the purple" y/n asked

"i'm using the purple you can wait" her cousin said opening the purple paint. jj couldn't help but laugh at the younger girls sass.

"you heard her, you gotta wait" jj shrugged laughing again.

for some reason, he enjoyed family gatherings.

the worst thing happened to me..

writers block

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