jbs sister | jj maybank

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tw, mentions of abuse + jjs dad

"come on j, can we please watch a movie" i ask him walking over to my bed.

"i would love too y/n but we have to finish your math so you don't get held back, your already failing" jj says turning the chair that he's sitting on towards me

"please jj, it's one movie" i plead laying down on my bed

"how about this" he says walking towards me "we finish your math homework then you can pick whatever movie we watch, deal?"

"how about we watch a movie then we finish my homework" i say sitting up.

"your not winning this argument sunshine" jj says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"jj!" i say slapping his back

"shit, y/n don't hit there on my back" jj says setting me down

"sorry jj" i say kissing his cheek "your dad again?" he looks away and sits on the chair again. he shakes his head and pulls me to sit on his lap.

"just stop talking about it" jj says grabbing my pencil "let's just finish this then we can watch your movie yea?"

"yea" i say grabbing the pencil and continuing my homework. jj puts his head on my shoulder and points out where i go wrong.

"there you go, your finally done, now let's watch the movie you wanted to watch" jj says pressing his lips against my shoulder. i nod my head and stand up walking towards my bed.

"what movie are we watching" he says standing up walking towards my bed

"the mighty ducks, the first one though, you've never seen them before" i tell him laying down

"that's because i have no interest in those movies" jj says putting his head on my stomach. i smile at him and run my fingers through his hair while turning on my laptop that sometimes doesn't turn on.

"they all look so young and since it's near the end we can see them-" i say but look down to see jj asleep. i shake my head and get up to grab a glass of water. i go to the kitchen and see john b, kiara, sarah and pope talking

"y/n! just because your dating my best friend doesn't mean you get to keep him 24/7" john b tells me walking towards the kicthen

"this is the first time we hung out alone jb, you guys are always in the room making sure we don't do shit" i say taking a sip out of my water bottle

"what's that on your neck?" john b says going into protective brother mode and checking my neck out

"birthmark dumbass, and if i were to have a hickey it would be in a place that wouldn't be shown" i smirk at john b, he looks at me with a disgusted face. jj walks out of my room and towards me wrapping an arm around my waist

"you left me" jj whispers in my ear and kisses the back of my head

"i know, john b held me up complaining that i took you away" i whisper back "come on let's go watch the rest of the movie"

"keep the sound to a minimum" kie yells looking at us then at john b

"no closed door! keep it opened" john b says to us. i scoff and grab jjs hand walking towards my bedroom. jj takes this as a chance to smack my ass

"jj maybank!" i say laughing, he just smiles at me and kisses my forehead

"gross jj that's my sister" john b complains walking over to where sarah is.

"oh please you do worse with sarah" y/n looks at her brother


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