clingy | jj maybank

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"pope doesn't like me like that, cmon guys" kie says looking at both girls.

"kie have you seen the way he looks at you?" sarah says

"yea like, confront him about it or something like-" i say but get interrupted by my phone ringing "saved by the phone". i pick it up seeing jj was calling.

"hey j, you okay?" i ask leaning back onto my couch and putting it on speaker

"not jj, it's john b" john b says

"hey john b" the two girls say

"hi girls anyways we kinda got jj shitfaced and he won't stop rambling" john b says

"why did you get him shitfaced?" i asked him chuckling

"because we were bored, me and pope are completely sober, it's just jj" he admits laughing.

"jj would you shut up about y/n! she's coming back tomorrow, now drink some water" i hear pope say

"john b put it on speaker" sarah says basically reading my mind

"one. i'm not drinking anything except for this beer and two not my fault i wanna talk about my hot girlfriend, you could have a girlfriend if you just asked her out" jj says not knowing john b called you, me and sarah looking at kie after "you know, i miss y/n! hey john b, could you like ground her so she's forced to come back here"

"jj, y/n isn't my sister i can't ground her" john b says, the three of us laughing at the conversation

"you know i'm gonna call her! where's my phone, john b who are you calling, it's guys night" jj says sounding like he's standing up "YOUR CALLING Y/N!"

"okay but yea like come over here so he can shut up" john b asks trying to get jjs phone out of his reach.

"hi love" jj could be heard from the other line

"hi j" y/n laughed "what's up"

"i miss you" jj drunkenly slurred "come to the chateau, actually wait i'll drive to your house"

"jj ur not driving we already took your keys" john b said to jj "come quick though"

"we'll be there in a few, and don't yell at him, he gets sensitive when he's drunk" i tell them.

"yea it's a little too late for that" john b says us hearing pope yelling at jj in the background.

"stop yelling at me" jj yelled from the other line "why are you yellin pope"

i end the call and mentally groan grabbing a pair of shoes

"how the hell do you deal with him when he's like that" sarah says grabbing her car keys

"it's easy, he just beams about how much i mean to him and how much he missed me then passes out" i say walking to sarahs car making our way over to the chateau. some of my favourite memories of me and jj were when he was drunk and couldn't remember a single thing.
"look who finally decided to show up, he's in the living room talking popes ear off about you" john b says making his way over to sarah. me and kie make our way to the living room seeing jj and pope

"we should go see y/n and then you can go see kiara!" jj says "your in love with kiara". pope puts a hand over his mouth seeing the two girls enter the room. he takes it off when jj sees me.

"y/n!" jj says walking over to me engulfing me in a hug.

"hey jj, you good" i say letting go of the hug and looking at him. he gives me a goofy smiled and turns to face pope

"i'm sober right now! my good friend pope over here" jj says stumbling over to pope "gave me water"

"you literally drank another beer thinking it was water" pope says looking at him. i chuckle when sarah and john b walk over.

"i'm heading to bed, you comin" he asks sarah. she nods her head and heads to his bedroom.

"cmon j let's get you to the spare room" i say walking to the spare room grabbing jjs hand on my way there.

"trying to get in my pants when i'm drunk y/n" jj says. i let out a breathy laugh and drag him into john bs extra room. when we get in there i throw him a pair of sweatpants and wait for him to get changed

"now y/n, no peeking, i know i'm hot, but i'm drunk" jj says getting changed. i laugh a bit and lay on the bed. i close my eyes until i feel a dip in the bed and a weight on my chest.

"i have a secret to tell you, i really like you" jj says, me cutting him off.

"i know jj, i like you too, now sleep" i say running my fingers through the blondes hair.

"we could do a little something before" jj says looking up at me.

"jj no!" i say laughing, him laughing with me.

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