food poisoning, jj maybank

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summary: jj cooks for you and it doesn't go well

thank you sm to @maddie_clineee for the idea :)



"yes j" you ask looking up from the book your reading. you raise an eyebrow once you see something hidden behind his back.

"i made you something" jj smiled like a little kid. jj wasn't a cook by any means but you still gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"chicken" y/n smiled setting it down on the coffee table "looks great j"

"well" jj says "try some"

you nod your head and took a bite out of it. not bad, a little unseasoned and cold but not bad for jj.

you ended up finishing the dish. jj didn't eat any, he was to excited for you to try it.

"thanks j" you say setting the plate in the sink. you walk back to the couch sit beside jj. he wraps his arm around your shoulder and flips on some random adam sandler movie.

you guys end falling asleep until y/n quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. she felt her hair being pulled back and someone rubbing her back.

"you good" jj asks tying your hair up with the elastic on his wrist. you nod your head but ended up vomiting again. jj grabbed the thermometer and sets it under your tongue.

"103°" jj says confused "what got you so sick"

"jj how long did you cook that chicken for" you ask wiping your mouth with a piece of toilet paper.

"like 15 minutes why" jj says shrugging. he didn't read the packaging he just cooked it for whatever felt right.

"oh my god" y/n whispers. jj held the ponytail back again once you started throwing up.

"what" jj asks confused.

"you gave me food poisoning you dick" y/n glares at her blonde boyfriend "your not suppose to cook the chicken for 15 minutes"

"i didn't give you food poison your definitely pregnant or something" jj stammers.

"jj i'm on birth control and we use condoms" y/n mumbles "you gave me food poisoning"

"i did not" jj says arguing again. he puts a damp cloth on your forehead and rubs your back again.

"your never ever cooking again" y/n says "leave the domestic shit to me"

"i can do laundry" jj says trying to save himself "you put the soap into the washer and you have to separate the whites from the colours"

"u do laundry i do the cooking" y/n asks raising an eyebrow.

"i do laundry and u cook" jj mumbled sitting beside you. you lay ur head on jjs shoulder.

"i'm sorry for giving you food poisoning" jj says kissing your head.

"chicken has to be cooked for atleast an hour j" y/n said. jj nods his head and stands up

"what are you doing" y/n asks confused

"throwing out the leftovers"

so sorry for the slow updates, i've been busy with work & school.

i'm working on part 3 of daughter

leave imagines requests here !

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