comfort, jj maybank

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summary: jj has a panic attack and the reader comforts him.

tw: panic attack (sorta?)

this is inspired by the bridge scene after jjs fight w kie

"hey j" y/n slowly walked up towards the struggling boy. she noticed something was up with him, his breathing was heavy and he looked..cold?

"hey jj" y/n said placing a hand on the boys arm. jj looked at her and his breathing started to become very short.

"i can't breathe" jj whispered, looking at her with an unreadable expression. 

"hey jj you're okay" y/n said, making the boy sit down. she didn't know what was happening, but she knew it wasn't good.

she noticed sweat on his forehead, and his face getting red. jj looked at her with some sort of panic in his eyes.

she brought him into a hug and ran her fingers through his hair. she kept whispering "you're okay" and "everything's gonna be alright" into his ear. she didn't know what to do in that moment besides trying to comfort him.

jjs head had migrated to her lap and she just kept trying to keep him calm. she kissed the side of his head and leaned her head back

she knew he was gonna talk when he was ready. they kept that same silent position for a few more minutes until jj finally spoke up.

"it was a panic attack" jj whispered. she didn't know he was having those, he never showed any signs.

"they started happening after john b and sarah went missin and it's just never been that bad" jj ended, the silence returning. she just nodded her head and silently ran her fingers through his hair again.

"i'll be there" jj looked up at her confused.

"when you need someone, i'll be there" she ended. jj was sitting up at this point and had his head rested on her shoulder.

the two sat in silence for a little while longer. jj was glad to have someone there for him.

it's not that no one was but kiara was busy with her family, pope with his. john b just found his dad and was spending time with sarah. he felt alone sometimes but luckily enough he had y/n there.

"love you j" y/n whispered.

"love you too y/n/n" jj whispered back.


messy ending again oopsies

sorry if i didn't portray a panic attack properly this is just what is based off of i've seen with panic attacks in my life.

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