cheater | john booker routledge

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flashback from midsummers:

"holy shit john b" y/n says kneeling beside him.

"pope go call 911" jj yells at her brother. y/n stands back up and stumbles into kie, her quickly bringing her into a hug. what she didn't know is that while her back was turned, sarah kissed john b. everyone looked at sarah shocked knowing that john b was dating y/n. sarah knew it too, they were the golden couple down in the cut.

"hey johnny, what are we doing today-" i go to say but he ignores me and keeps walking with sarah cameron behind him

"no effing way! you brought her here" kiara says pissed at john b. i don't blame her, she messed up kiaras life. she messed up mine too, she made up some nasty rumour about me. i walk up the stairs and to the seat beside jj.

"yea, so what she's in on this now" i add from beside jj. john b looks at pope and jj for help, they both just shrug, knowing that john b is in the wrong.

"look, all i care about is that her cut, comes out of your share" jj says trying to make a joke.

"you know, i don't remember taking a vote" kiara reminded john b "this is our thing"

"a pogue thing" i pipe up from beside jj again.

"i gotta say, i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this" pope says defending mine and kiaras word. me and kiara send him a thankful look, kiara speaking it more then doing the action.

"when are you not?" john b says.

"i dunno i rode on the back of jjs bike pretty comfortably" pope snaps back.

"it's true, the most relaxed i've ever seen him" jj says.

"that's cute guys" john b says annoyed.

"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her" kie says "let's actually take into account on how your girlfriend feels, y/n how do you feel"

"well kie, thank you for taking my feelings into accountability, i feel extremely uncomfortable that she's here, after everything she did to us" i say leaning back on the couch i was sitting on.

"stop talking about me like i'm not here!" sarah says annoyed.

"then leave!" i say shrugging my shoulders when john b glares at me "just a suggestion"

"i told you" sarah scoffs looking at john b.

"told him what?" kie says "that your a liar"

"no that you guys are shit talking bitches" sarah says looking at me and kiara

"you call us the shit talking bitches" i stand up and go beside kie.

"when have i lied to any of you" sarah said looking at us. i look over and see pope and jj betting money on us.

"if i answered that question we'd be here for awhile" i say when john b stops the conversation.

"everybody shut up!" john b practically yells at us "kie, y/n you guys are my best friends" i feel tears brim my eyes as he classifies me as just his best friend. backstory, me and him have been dating for two years "and sarah y-your my girlfriend". he doesn't even spare a glance at me.

"i'm sorry but did you forget that you have a mighty fine girlfriend right beside kiara" jj says giving me a sad look.

"y-y/ns not my girlfriend" he lies.

"what's all that talk that we had the other day oh yeah the, when we get older we'll get out of this dump, together" i spat at him.

"y/n-" he says trying to save himself.

"save it, fuck u and fuck this relationship" i say walking towards the beach. i hear more yelling and see kiara storm off towards the dock.

"you handled that beautifully john b, now respectfully go fuck yourself" i say walking after y/n.

"make sure shes okay" john b says grabbing my wrist. i nod at him and make my way towards y/n. i see her sitting on a branch that fell during agatha

"you might get a splinter" i say sitting beside her, after she gives me a small smile.

"did you know?" she asks me "i want the truth j"

"she kissed him when your back was turned, me and kie saw it" i admit putting an arm around her shoulder.

"why sarah cameron though" she says letting out a short laugh

"because he's stupid, he doesn't have that many brain cells it seems like" i joke. y/n laughs from beside me i send her a small smile.

"maybe the fall knocked some out" she says, i laugh a bit.

"thanks for being my best friend" she says. i felt a pang in my heart at the term best friend. i had a thing for her but john b was dating her so i couldn't do anything.

"anything for a best friend" i reply

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