hockey game, jj maybank

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summary: jj and y/n go to her brothers hockey game.

i was at my boyfriends hockey game and i kept thinking of a jj maybank hockey game imagine.



"y/n it's just a game" jj shrugged "a seat is a seat"

"it's the finals. whoever wins, wins it all j" y/n said "and no, you have to get good seats"

"whatever you say honey" jj sarcastically smiles at his girlfriend and puts a hand on her waist.

jj sat himself beside y/n and started fidgeting with his fingers. that's something he did when he was bored, he couldn't help it.

"babe why is your whole effing family here" jj muttered, a bit nervous because he hasn't met them before.

"jj it's only my aunt, uncle and cousins, you'll be fine" y/n says kissing his cheek. jj sighs and wraps an arm around her chair.

"jj honey could you pass me my bag" y/ns mom asked the blonde. her bag was inbetween y/n and jj.

"here ya go" jj said smiling at his girlfriends mom. she adored jj, she didn't understand how people could hate him.

she only saw the soft side of jj, the one he is when he's with y/n. y/ns dad liked jj too, funny enough he thought of him like a son.

"so this is the infamous jj" y/ns uncle said "you treatin my niece right"

"he treats her amazing" y/ns mom spoke "did i tell you he cooked breakfast for all of us one morning, it was the sweetest thing ever"

"good man" her uncle said "your pops raised you right"

jj stiffened up in his seat. they obviously don't know. he just wanted to be the person everyone thought he couldn't be. he didn't wanna end up like luke, he wanted to prove everyone wrong.

"look the games starting" y/n said steering the conversation away from jjs dad. jj sent her a grateful look and placed a soft kiss to the side of her head.

the ending of the second period was coming and jj was fully engulfed into the game.

"come on ref, that was a trip" jj said sticking his hand out.

"what he said" y/ns dad yelled. y/n looked at her mother with wide eyes.

"i think he's enjoying the game honey" y/ns mom giggled looking at jj.

"once he's watching something he's zoned out" y/n said with a breathy laugh.

"you cold" jj asked wrapping an arm around his girlfriend and bringing her close.

"you enjoying the game" y/n smirked laying her head on her boyfriends chest.

"why don't we go to more hockey games" jj asked not taking his eyes off the game "like this is the coolest thing ever"

"love we live in kildare, there isn't gonna be an arena unless it's on the mainland" y/n explained smiling at jj.

it was the nearing the end if 3rd period and the teams were tied 5-5.

"in the net boys" jj muttered to himself. y/n shook her head and cheered on her brothers team.

"hell yeah" jj yelled when they got it in the net. the score was 6-5 with 25 seconds left on the clock.

the only thing heard was the buzzer and the fact her brother had one.

"holy shit" jj said hugging his girlfriend "i love hockey, i should play school hockey"

"a hockey boyfriend sounds nice" y/n shrugged. jj placed a small kiss on her lips and cheered one more time.

he definitely loves hockey.


jj & hockey 🤝 best duo.

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