jealousy | jj maybank

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"GOD JJ I WASN'T FUCKING JOHN B" you yell at jj hurt lacing your voice "plus he's with sarah and i'm with you!"

"how am i suppose to believe that! you spend most of your time whoring around with a bunch of guys anyways" jj snaps back at you taking off his hat and running his fingers through his hair. he makes eye contact with you seeing that you have glossy eyes

"fuck! y-y/n, i didn't mean it your not a whore, your the complete-" jj tries to say to the girl but gets cut off.

"fuck you jj maybank" you say going into the washroom before breaking into sobs. jj curses to himself and walks out the chateau to be met with looks from his friends.

"i fucking messed up" jj says pacing around john bs deck

"oh yes you have my friend" pope comments earning a glare from kie.

"i-i don't wanna loose her, what if she breaks up with me, i wouldn't be able to deal with it, oh my god w-what if she-" jj rambles on getting cut off by sarah

"you make me wanna puke, go apologize" sarah tells him

"she won't forgive me, i promised myself i wouldn't ruin this with her, she's the only thing i have left that i haven't fucked up" jj says sitting down in a chair.

"god get your head out of your ass for once, your all she talks about, 24/7 jj, your the topic she never shuts up about" kiara says "and stop doubting yourself, she loves you"

"and you love her, especially when your away from her, you ask where she is 24/7 or when your gonna see her again" pope says looking at jj.

"i called her a whore! she's not a whore, she's the complete opposite of a whore, god this is all my fault" jj says

"your damn right it is, i was helping her plan something for your birthday jj, your birthday! you know damn well i wouldn't sleep with her, she's like a sister to me" john b finally says "so get your jealous ass inside and go apologize, i don't wanna hear anything about it". jj nods his head and stands up. he gives his friends a hopeful look before entering.

"y/n? can we talk please" jj pleads knocking on the bathroom door.

"what so you can call me a whore again jj" you say back to him.

"no, just open the door, so we can talk, please" jj pleads trying to open the door. you get up and open the door not looking at jj. you feel another tear slide down your cheek just for it to be wiped by a soft hand. jj lifts your chin up so your looking at him.

"i'm so sorry y/n" jj says looking at you "i got jealous and called you a whore, im sorry"

"it's okay j, i over-" you sniffle getting getting cut off by jj

"it's not okay, i made my girl cry" jj says bringing you in for a hug. you smile at the thought of him calling you his girl.

"there's my pretty girl, you have such a pretty smile" jj says looking at you while pulling away from the hug. you shake your head and kiss him, he kisses back and brings you in for another hug.

"i'm so fucking sorry" jj whispers in your ear.

"look who made up! now we can come back inside" john b says coming into the chateau.

"way to ruin the moment jb" jj says looking at john b and the rest of them

"idiot" you mutter under your breath earning a laugh from jj

"i love you" you whisper hoping jj heard

"i love you" jj whispers back kissing your forehead softly

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