visit, jj maybank

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summary: jjs sister gets cheated on and the pogues pay him a little visit

people have asked for a second jj sister imagine!! here ya go:)


"HEY Y/N- hey what's up" jj asked his sister. she walked into the chateau with a tear stained face and bruised knuckles.

"in fine jj leave me alone" she said pushing past him. kiara looked at jj and followed y/n into her room.

"hey y/n/n" kie said sitting on the bed "what happened"

"as i told jj, nothing" she said not facing kiara. kie didn't believe her a second.

"honey you knuckles are bruised and your face is stained with tears" kiara said setting a hand on her shoulder.

y/n turned to face kiara and her lip wobbled. kiara sighed and brought the girl into a hug.

"he cheated on me" y/n sobbed out. kiara shushed her and rubbed her back.

"oh honey" kiara whispered. she sat there comforting her for awhile until y/n asked her to leave.

"what happened kie" jj said pacing. he was worried she went back to their dads, the bruised knuckles and crying.

"poor girl got cheated on" kie sighed looking to the spare room. jj turned around to face kiara

"that dick cheated on my sister?" jj scoffed "we're gonna let that slide"

"dude what are going to do? time travel?" pope said "she also definitely beat that chicks ass"

"pope shut up" john b said "are we doin something about it"

"we're letting this slide?" jj said pointing to the room "he cheated on my little sister. i'm not letting that slide"

"wanna take a ride" john b smirked feeding into jjs idea. jj pointed to his best friend and walked towards the door.

kiara was the getaway driver while pope just stayed in the van.

"jj you can't kill this kid" john b said walking beside him "just scare him"

"we're paying him a little visit" jj shrugged walking up to the boy. he turned the kid around and all he saw was the terrified look on y/ns exes face

"jj, hey man what's up" he stuttered out. jj lightly pushed him and landed a punch to his face

"don't mess with my sister" jj said punching him again. john b dragged jj off and back to the van.

"we can add assault to the list of felonies" pope muttered.

"pope we all know your a wimp sometimes but this is about my sister" jj said "no one messes with my family and gets away with it"

after jjs outburst the car ride was silent until the four got back to the chateau.

"are you fucking stupid" y/n said walking towards jj "i got a text saying you beat him up"

"what else was i suppose to do? i'm suppose to protect you" jj scoffed "hes a dick, they get punched in the face"

"did he atleast put up a fight" y/n asked laughing. jj shook his head no and the group shared a laugh together.

it's 1am.  messy ending part 3

jj maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now