W3 Friday

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???'s POV:

I manage to track him down to this weird location. It's so shady, that one could already tell this is a criminal hot spot without even having to know the damn place. I found the building that he was supposedly in and tried entering. The doors wouldn't budge, so I had to go for another option. There weren't any windows, so I only had the walls to work with. Luckily, I've been training in this field for a long time and I have became very skilled.

The walls were old and weak, so I could break it down easily. I fit my small, petite body into the hole I had ripped in the wall.

I had entered what seems to be a small room. I could very obviously tell that there was a hostage, as the room was in mess and had heavy things surrounding something that was moving. I scanned the room and found some clothes and other belongings neatly place on a table.

I walked towards the table and saw that there was a uniform. And not just any uniform, it was the uniform of Akademi High School; the uniform my target was wearing in the picture.

Yup, I've found "Nemesis-kun".

"Hello?" I asked, in the room. The shaking from a cabinet stooped. "Bang the cabinet thrice if you can hear me."

There were three bangs, then silence. "I'll get you out," I told him. I went up to a cabinet with a pin, then started picking the lock. Then, I removed the chains from around the cabinet and opened the door. I was almost crushed by dumbbells rolling out of there. What the fuck?

The cabinet itself wasn't heavy, so I threw it aside as I was considered pretty strong. Having a dainty physique like mine tends to lead people to think that I'm weak, but I'm not.

With one of the cabinets thrown out of the way, I managed to get to the cabinet in the middle that had breathing coming from inside. I picked the lock and let the chains fall. Opening the door, I found my target badly bruised. He had a broken left hand and a broken left ankle as well.

There were chains and a chair inside, so, being observant and having an eye for detail, I deduced that he had to break his hand and ankle to slip off the chains. From which side of his body that he chose to break, I could tell that he was most probably right handed.

"Are you Nemesis-kun?" I asked, with my voice softened. He nodded with skepticism. "I have been sent to find you by someone called Hanako Yamada. Do you know him?" I asked.

"He's my junior from school. We're kind of friends," he replied in a raspy voice. He had definitely been through some shit. I then noticed that he was only in his underwear and blushed. I quickly looked away from his toned body so he wouldn't notice, and I handed him the clothes that were on the table.

I looked away while he changed quickly. Then, I passed him the other things that were also on the table. "Fuck." I heard him say.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I missed school yesterday." He looked troubled as he checked his phone.

Seriously? He's upset about missing school? "And you'll miss school again. You need to get yourself fixed up," I said.

"Don't worry about that. I'll be fine. Thanks, uh...whatever your name is."

"I'm Wye-Anne. I'm half Japanese and half Chinese and half American. My half Japanese, half Chinese dad wanted to name me 'Wye-Ning', while my American mother wanted to name me 'Reanne'. So, they settled for 'Wye-Anne'," I told him.

"One, you can't be three halves. Two, that was a run on sentence. Three, I didn't ask for the meaning of your name," he said coldly. Why's he so rude? I saved his fucking life.

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