W2 Wednesday

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3rd Person POV:

(A/N: I usually start when they wake up, but not this time!)

Class time, 8:30am:

Nana-sensei was returning the student's test papers. She sighed deeply and said, "Well, at least more than just two people passed."

And by that, she meant, "What the fuck? Three of you passed? You're all hopeless dumb asses!" But of course she couldn't just scream at the students like that. She could get fired.

"Dear teachers and students, please proceed to the hall immediately. Thank you," the headmaster said over the PA system.

Nana-sensei lead all of the students to the hall downstairs.


Ayano's POV:

"I wonder what's going on," Raibaru said to me.

"It's probably something important," I whispered to her.

"Or probably the deaths of school staff..." I muttered extremely silently to myself that only the microorganisms could hear.

See, that's how you mutter to yourself!

"If you have seen the news, you would know that Muja Kina, our school nurse and Mido Rana, an ex teacher here were murdered yesterday," the headmaster said.

At this, many students started to whisper amongst themselves. "Murdered?"

"That's horrible!"

"Oh no!"

Most of the students lost their cool and started freaking out.

"Do not worry, everyone. Just go back to your classes," the headmaster dismissed all of us quickly.

"I wonder who would do such a thing," I teased Gaku.

"Shut up," he whispered.

Back in class:

"Well, anyways, let's start on the corrections."

I flipped through my paper and realised that I had lost half a mark, due to my misspelling of a word. JUST ONE WORD!

And I lost half a mark!

(A/N: Anyone else feel that pain?)

Nemesis-kun, as I have predicted, had gotten the top score in the class with full marks and I came in second by half a motherfucking son of a bitch mark!

Once Nana-sensei was finished going through all of our corrections, she collected the papers and did her usual thing—leave us alone to do our own shit

As usual, I took out my phone.

Osorõ: Are you sure that I can't cheat?

Ayano: Yes. If you cheat, you'll get an automatic 0. Do you want that?

Osorõ: No.

Ayano: That's what I thought. Now pay attention in class.

Osorõ: But you're texting me as well.

Ayano: Nana-sensei allows us to.

Osorõ: Would you believe me if I told you that Kanon-sensei did the same thing?

(A/N: I know that Osoro/Osorõ is in 2-1, but like I said, I'm changing some things.)

Ayano: Absolutely not.

Osorõ: Okay. I'll just go take down notes and be a good student. 😒😒😒

Ayano: Okay. Have fun.

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