W2 Monday

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(A/N: Before we start, I would like to give a special thanks to ReicheruRoo for the elimination idea. Thank you!)

Ayano's POV:

Instead of waking up to my alarm like I usually did, I woke up to someone calling me on my phone.

Who the fuck is calling me at 4am? Seriously? Does no one care that I need to sleep?

I looked at my phone screen and saw that it was my information provider for the week.

The call:

Ayano: Info-chan?

Info-chan: Good morning, dear. I apologise for waking you up at this unearthly hour.

Ayano: It's okay, Info-kun woke me up really early last Monday.

Info-chan: Did he now...

Ayano: Yeah. So, I'm guessing there is a reason to why you called me this early?

Info-chan: Right. You requested for the elimination to happen at 3:30pm, right?

Ayano: Yeah. I want to use Saikou-chan to my advantage.

Info-chan: Smart. I can send Musume Ronshaku to you then. The word will spread like wildfire!

Ayano: That's great. Thank you.

Info-chan: No problem. Pleasure doing business with you. You can go back to sleep now.

Ayano: Thanks. Bye.

I plugged my phone into the charger and placed it back on the table top.

I turned over on my side and tried to get some more sleep before my alarm wakes me up again in 2 hours time.


It felt like I was only closing my eyes for a second, but 2 hours had already passed.

I turned off my alarm and headed to the bathroom.

I stripped off my pyjamas and stepped into the shower area for a very quick shower.

After that, I brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair at the same time. #skill

I stepped out of the bathroom in my usual school attire, but my hair wasn't tied yet.

I swiftly got my hair in a high ponytail, grabbed my phone, keys and bag then headed down to the kitchen.

I snagged a piece of toast and slipped on my shoes before heading out of the door.

In school:

My the time I have reached the school gates, the toast was already in my digestive system.


I changed into my school shoes and headed to the school plaza.

Why was I going there? Well, you should already know.

Every day before the school bell rings, Senpai would be at the fountain reading a book.


I checked up on Taro to make sure that he was really sat at the fountain. Good, he, Hanakõ and Osano are there.

I walked up the stairs towards Senpai's classroom.

Ensuring that the coast was clear, I went into Classroom 3-2.

I walked over to the back of the class to where Taro's seat is and took the gift out of my bag.

I carefully placed the box in the dead  centre of the table and immediately went out of the classroom.

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