W1 Thursday

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Osana's POV:


The first ring of my alarm clock woke me up. Oh, thank goodness, the dream that I just had! It was horrible!

I hopped off my bed and went to my bathroom to do my usual morning routine.


My long orange hair was wrapped in a thick white towel go dry. I better hurry! I need to go walk with Taro to school. He's always keeping me waiting, though. I've known him since childhood, and I've liked him for practically forever! But I can't let him know how I feel yet... he probably doesn't return my feelings... I don't want to ruin out friendship.

"Sis, breakfast is ready!" I heard my older twin brother, Osano Najimi, call from the kitchen. He's a Tsundere like me, but I don't know who he likes yet. Just yesterday, he told me that he fell in love with our schoolmate! But he didn't want to tell me who she was. Maybe it wasn't a she? Is my brother gay? No, probably not. He was making fun of a gay student from our school on Monday. I'm glad that Senpai didn't see that, our I will never ever have a chance with him ever!

Oops! I'm wasting too much time! I quickly blew dry my hair and tied them up in their usual high two ponytails. My hair can be very annoying sometimes, but I made a promise to myself that I will only cut it when Taro likes me back.

I grabbed my packed bag and my phone from my nightstand and made my way downstairs to join my brother for breakfast.

In the kitchen, 6:21am:

"What took you so long?" Osano asked. We are very particular about routine and punctuality. Today, I got down 1 minute later.

"I'm sorry, I misplaced something and had to look for it," I lied to him. I can't let my brother know that the reason why I took so long was because I was thinking about who his crush is.

"Alright then."

Good, he bought my lie.

Time skip! 6:30am:

"What took you guys so long? You always keep us waiting!" My brother and I shouted in unison. The Yamada brothers always make us wait! Senpai muttered an apology and Hanakõ said nothing. He just glared at me. Why? What did I do wrong? Whatever, we should get to school now.

"Let's just go," Hanakõ sighed. He then muttered something else under his breath. Weird....he seems....a little angry? But for all the years that I have known him, he has always been a bubbly person. Whatever! I don't care about him! I only tolerate him because he is Senpai's brother! (A/N: Hm...if Osana liked someone else and was a little less annoying, maybe she and Ayano would be friends.)

The four of us took our usual route to school. It would always be Osano and Hanakõ walking in front of Senpai and me.

"Hey Senpai, do you ever have recurring dreams?" I asked him.

He looked at me for a moment before answering, "Um...no, I don't think so. What about you, Osana-chan?"

"Well...recently, I've had these dreams that I was sunbathing by the pool, when suddenly someone tied my hair onto heavy weights and then pushed me into the pool! I would wake up right before I died in my dreams," I told him. I don't usually open up to people or show my vulnerability, but I trust Taro-kun with these things. Thus, I told him.

"Hm...I've heard that dreams mean something. Maybe it has something to do with you hair? You're worried that someone might use your hair and kill you. Maybe you should cut it, it's almost touching the floor," he said. What?! Is he crazy?!

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