W1 Monday

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Yan-chan's POV:

Info-kun: Yandere-chan.

Info-kun: I can see you through your phone camera.

Info-kun: You look so peaceful!!!

Info-kun: Okay, wake up.

Info-kun: Don't make me hack into your phone's alarm clock.


My alarm clock shocked me awake from my peaceful slumber. Wait...it is only 5am. I set my alarm for 6:30am.

I checked my phone to see what had happened.

Oh god....Info-kun. -_-

Ayano: Info-kun....

Info-kun: Well, I see that you are finally awake, dear.

Info-kun: Literally.

What the heck?! Oh yeah, he can see me through my phone camera. I groaned and used my finger to cover my camera.

Info-kun: Aw..... I was enjoying my view! You look so nice with your hair down!<3

I removed my thumb and set my phone on my table to free up my hands so I could do my hair.

Once my hair was up in its usual ponytail, I resumed typing.

Ayano: Any particular reason you woke me up at 5?

Info-kun: To answer that, I require Saki's panty shot, dear.

Ayano: Ugh. Here.

I sent the pervert Saki's panty shot rolling my eyes. I set my phone down again to change into my school uniform. But this time, I made sure that the camera was facing the ceiling.

Info-kun: Well, the Najimis and Yamadas are going to walk to school together and will pass by your neighbourhood at around 7:30am.

Ayano: Um....okay?

Info-kun: Baka. Do you know what this means?

Ayano: Um.....

Info-kun: Honey, you're loveable, but super dense. -_-

Info-kun: They will pass your neighbourhood at 6:30, you just need to walk towards school infront of them then.

Ayano: I can meet Senpai!

Info-kun: Yes you can. Try to act natural by texting someone and walking towards school at their pace.

Ayano: Okay. But what am I supposed to do, exactly?

Info-kun: Panty shot, please, love.

Ayano: I'm all out...

Info-kun: What about yours? ;)


Ayano: Fine.....here....

I put my camera under my skirt and tights to send him the picture. My trembling hands slowly hitting "send".

Info-kun: Holy shit!

Info-kun: Damn girl!

Info-kun : Daaaaamnnnnnn!!!!!!!

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