W1 Saturday

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Ayano's POV:


I slowly opened my eyes to darkness. Where the hell am I? I can't see a thi- oh wait, I have Yandere Vision. (A/N: #YanderePower)

There, that's better. I could see now. :) I looked around the unknown dark room that I was in. There was no one there. I was sat on a single wooden chair and tied tightly to it with a thick piece of rope. I could and would break free, but it would better to analyse the situation before acting upon it.

I was glad that I did, because the next thing I knew, I heard footsteps approaching the door. "Yeah, I kept her in here. Nemesis-kun finally kidnapped her," a voice that could only belong to a Megami Saikou said.

I'm probably in the Saikou Corp Headquarters...🙄

The door opened and in came Megami and Mr Saikou with their bodyguards. Geez, they're so extra. I don't have any weapons on me right now. I can't hurt them. Oh wait, I can. 🤭

"Aishi, I see that you are awake. Megami, wait outside. I'd like to speak to Ayano privately," Mr Saikou said as he saw that I was conscious.

Megami opened her mouth to say something, but stopped at the last moment and just nodded before exiting with the bodyguards.

It's just you and me now, Mr Saikou.

"Ayano, how are you?" He asked. Weird, why is he being friendly? Probably to mess with me or something. I might as well just play along.

"I've been better. You?" I asked back sweetly. He smirked and came closer to me. He sat down on the floor about half a meter infront of me.

"I'm doing well. So, you might be wondering why you are here and where you are," he said.

"Well, you're right about me wondering where I am. Where am I? Your basement?" I asked.

"I see that you are intelligent, just like your mother. But you are still a killer. Just. Like. Her," his initial friendly persona changed quickly into a 'Megami'. So full of himself and justice. 🙄

"Yeah. Is that why I'm here, Saikou-san?" I asked sweetly. I'm not going to drop the innocent school girl act anytime soon, Saikou!

"Tsk. You're good at acting. Have you considered the Drama Club?" He quickly changed the subject and asked me.

"I have, but that was until I met the club leaders. They are...how do I put this nicely? They are quite rude," I said in a calm and innocent tone. Through his calm facial expression, I could see that I was ticking Mr Saikou off.

"Well, you're clearly not lying about that. My son hates the two of them. He's always complaining about the Sunobus," Mr Saikou let out a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence. It was probably unintentional, because he immediately froze after saying that.

"Do your children get the complaining genes from you or Mrs Saikou?" I teased.

"Probably from my wife..." he said silently, not wanting me to hear him. But you thought, Saikou! You thought! I have great hearing senses! (A/N: #YanderePower)

"Would they be as whiney if they had genes from another woman?" I mocked. I knew I was getting under this poor man's skin and I liked it. Besides eliminating rivals, I do enjoy toying with people's minds and messing with them.

"Okay, okay, stop. You're ticking me off!" He raised his voice a little. He took a deep breath then calmed himself down.

I just sat there in my chair, watching him. We engaged in a staring competition into each other's souls until he backed down.

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