W2 Friday

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Ayano's POV:


Senpai, Hanakõ and I were walking down the street to school. We were talking about the recent events happening here at Akademi.

"I think that we can know who the next target is..." Hanakõ mumbled.

Ah! Fuck!

"How is that, Hanakõ-kun?" I asked curiously.

"All of the girls murdered have at least one other thing in common," Hanakõ said grimly.

"And what is that? Their gender?" Taro joking said, trying to lift the mood. This earned him a glare from both Hanakõ and me.

"Well, not that. They all seem to be related to you, big brother," Hanakõ said.

Hearing this, Taro and my face turned pale. Taro's pale face came from shock, while mine came from fear. I think Hanakõ is going to figure me out! This is so not good!

"That sounds absurd, Hanakõ," Taro said.

"Hear me out. Haruka-chan, Amai-senpai, Osana-chan, Mida-sensei and  Muja-San all had a crush on you, big brother. I think the person who is killing those girls either likes you, or is jealous of you," Hanakõ said.

Fuckkkkk....this is not good.

"How did you know, Hanakõ-kun? How did you know that all those girls like him and how are you so sure that that's why they've died?" I asked.

"Well, it's really obvious. Those girls go out of their way to please big brother. And it doesn't seem like a coincidence. Girls close to big brother die," Hanakõ said.

"And what about the other death?" I asked him.

"I'm not too sure about Mido-San. I guess his is just random. Besides, the delinquents randomly chose him," he said.

"It's not random..." I muttered, not realising I said it out loud.

"It's not?" Senpai asked.

"Um...did I say that out loud? Uh... I'll see you two later," I said as soon as I noticed we have already reached school.

Classroom 3-1:

I took my seat and texted in the group chat.

Ayano: Hanakõ is figuring out the deaths of my rivals!

Info-chan: Well... that's not good.

Ayano: I know!

Info-kun: You could always kill him.

Ayano: I want to, but Taro can't lose another person!

Info-kun: Just kill some random girl. Throw Hanakõ off.

Ayano: Hanakõ is not too sure that the murderer is the same person, though. He might think that another person did it, instead of the murder of my rivals.

Info-kun: So, what do you think you should do?

Ayano: I don't know!!!

Info-chan: Does Hanakõ suspect anyone?

Ayano: I'll have to ask him later.

Info-chan: If he does, than make sure that the person is not you.

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