W2 Tuesday

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(A/N: Special thanks to Pix3l_Parad0x for the elimination ideas once again. Be warned that this might be traumatizing for some viewers. You have been warned.)

Taro's POV:

"Ahh!" I screamed as I felt a force drag me out of bed, startling me awake.

"Big brother!" Hanakõ dashed into the room.

"Hey! I meant what I said. If you guys wake up late again, I'll drag you out of bed!" Osanõ chided.

"What does the time that we get up have to do with you, anyway? Put my brother down!" Hanakõ ordered sternly.

Not only did Osanõ barge into my house, forcibly drag me out of bed, but he also had the audacity to literally drop me! Not to mention dropping me hard on the floor!

"Big brother!" Hanakõ rushed over to my side.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt," I put my frantic brother at ease.

Hanakõ heaved a sigh of relief and helped me up.

"Sorry, but you have to hurry. Or I'm leaving without the two of you," Osanõ bossed.

"Then leave without us. You always say that you will, but you give empty threats," Hanakõ snapped.

Osanõ and I were taken aback. Since when did Hanakõ talk back like that?

Not even waiting for us to say anything, Hanakõ stormed out.

He reached the door and turned around saying, "By the way, I'm walking to school on my own."

Time skip! 7:30am:

Ayano's POV:

I stared daggers at that friggin bitch who was on the roof.

I so wanted to push her off, but I would risk being seen. The roof was crowded with many students. Curse their sociable selves!

"Senpai, why do you keep on talking about that little brat? He's worthless!" She scoffed.

Taro rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to explain to the purple bitch.

"He's my brother, Kizana-chan. And I'm very worried about him. Recently, his attitude has became worst. He-" before Taro could finish his sentence, the girl cut him off abruptly.

"And he's worth more than ME?!" she shrieked.

Who do you think you are? Hanakõ is worth a lot more than you, for you are a worthless little self centred, selfish, sultry, uncultured swine!

My fingers were clenched in a tight ball. My first was ready to hit her square in the mouth.

Unfortunately, I had to control myself. I'm in a public place with too many witnesses.

"I-I'm sorry if I had offended you, Kizana-chan, but I-" Taro tried to apologise, but was interrupted by Kizana again.

She tried to open her mouth to talk, but then, she noticed me.

"What do you think you're looking at?" She asked.

Looking her straight in the eyes, I saw a hint of regret in her soul. She had regretted being rude to me.

Huh, I wonder why.

"I'm just minding my business. What are you talking about?" I asked in a calm tone.

"What do you want? You looked at us just now," she said.

"So? Is it a crime to look up from my book for a split second?" This little bitch is getting on my nerves...

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