W4 Tuesday, 23 April

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Ayano's POV:

Some atrocious beeping was banging on my eardrums. Where the hell was it coming from? It was from a distance, I could tell. My face contorted in annoyance, and I was now fully awake, but still tired. I forced myself to sit up on my bed, head thumping a little. Dammit, what time did I finally sleep?

"Oh, sorry Yan-chan. Didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's- it's fine, don't worry about it," I replied automatically. Wait, who said... Oh right...

Info-kun and I spent all night discussing possible scenarios for the double date, and when we were done, it was way too late for him to go home on his own. I had him stay over and he took the sofa downstairs. I had half expected him to joke around like he normally did and said we could share a bed, but I guess he was too tired to be perverse.

I guess perverts do have times when they're normal people.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early," Info-kun ushered softly, lightly nudging me back down on my bed. I side-eyed the clock and it was... 3.15am? Yeah, it's way too early for this bullshit. I didn't say anything else and let Info-kun tuck me into bed. Logically, I would just freshen up and use my phone for the next few hours, but at the moment, I had no energy to do anything. I'll let future Ayano deal with whatever later. Right now, I'm getting my sleep.

Info-kun's POV:

Ayano was asleep again rather quickly. I did feel a little guilty about waking her up this early, but at least I got to see her adorable half conscious self. She was groggy and pouting, swaying ever so lightly, unable to sit still. Ah, she's so cute!

Info-chan: I can sense you simping.

Info-kun: Rude🙄.

Info-chan: Shut up. You're the one who gets to enjoy his time with his dear crush while his poor sister is slaving away, doing the job that BOTH of us are supposed to be doing.

Info-kun: I'll give you 50% of my shares.

Info-chan: 90%.

Info-kun: No way. I, "shockingly enough", do some work. 60%, that is final.

Info-chan: Make it 70.

Info-kun: Deal.

I dropped my phone into my pocket and headed downstairs with a piece of paper and a pen. Ayano and I brainstormed scenarios and "counterattacks", but we hadn't gotten the chance to pen everything down yet. Since my sweet sister is helping me with my share of work, I have time to myself to work on the double date.

Ayano had decided to go along with the Rutos while I follow all of them. Ayano would text me while on the "date" and that's how we'll get to talk to each other. She'll make up some excuse like "my father is in poor health and my mother is extremely worried, so I'm comforting her" or something like that. It was somewhat true, so I doubt anyone would think she were lying. Taking care of her parents is also admirable, so her popularity and likability would go up significantly.

I went over to the dining table and layed the paper gently on the table, then, I clicked my pen and began writing out the plan.

The plan:

"Sabotaging the double date:

-Rutos🤢 will ask Yan-chan✨ and Yamada in 3 days time.
--Ayano will accept and go with them.
--(If Taro declines, so will Ayano.)#ProblemSolved.

-They will head over to the library cafe for lunch.
--Since they didn't book any reservations, we'll get the people who are heavily indebted to us Info Club😎 to take up space there.
--The Rutos will have no choice but to find someplace else.

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