W2 Thursday

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(A/N: Thanks again for giving me the ideas, ReicheruRoo !)

Ayano's POV:


I jumped right out of bed as soon as my alarm went off. I'll be going to Megami's class today. 🤮

I groaned at the thought of that. Why must Pedo Rana impregnate our teacher?

I headed to my bathroom and did my usual bullshit.


I popped a piece of toast in my mouth and read the latest news article.

News article:

"Last night, the police had received an anonymous tip from an anonymous caller about the murderers of Mido Rana.

The caller said that the they heard that the evidence are all in Mido Rana's basement.

A group of five police officers, a journalist and two detectives are headed there right now.

Meanwhile, the rest of the police officers and detectives checked the security cameras' footage of the events.

'We just received the footage and we're going to take a look at them right now,' said one policeman.

'As you can see here, twelve hooded figures are placing the bag. They must be the ones behind the murder,' said another officer.

If the anonymous tip were to be true, the murderers shall be put behind bars today.

Thank you, and that is all. Check in with us again in the afternoon."

Smirking to myself, I rejoiced at my rival's elimination. Osoro will be out of the way, and that will bring me another step closer to Senpai.

Since I have already finished my breakfast and had nothing else to do, I picked up my bag, took my phone and slipped on my shoes.

At school, 6:10am:

The school gates were already open; that means the Info twins are already in school.

Speaking of them, I should ask them where I should go.

I changed into my school shoes and made a beeline for the plaza.


Ayano: Info-chan. Where do I head to for class?

Info-chan: You'll head to your classroom first. The headmaster will tell you where to go when school starts.

Ayano: Okay. Thanks.

I stood up from the bench and climbed the stairs to my classroom.

Classroom 2-1:

"Why are you so early?" Nemesis-kun asked the moment he saw me enter.

I simply shrugged and took a seat.

"Did you tell the delinquents to kill Mido Rana?" Nemesis-kun asked after awhile.

"No. Why?" I pretended to know nothing about the situation.

"I got a letter from someone, saying that the delinquents got the idea to kill Mido Rana from someone."

"Well, I didn't tell them to kill him," I said.

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