W1 Friday

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Fuck boi's POV:

Osana's funeral, Thurday (8pm):

"Goodbye Osana, you were the best friend that I ever had. I thank you for all that you have done for me a-and... I-I'm sorry for not being there in time to s-save y-you a-and leaving you by the p-pool i-i-instead of taking y-you with me!" Raibaru sobbed. She burst into tears in the middle of saying her speech. She's not the only one crying, though. Osano couldn't even fake his emotions at this point, he was crying his eyes out. I really cannot blame him. He loves his sister more than anything in the world. Just like Amao, he had lost his sister. I was crying too, tears were streaming down my face as memories I had with her played in my head. She was my very first friend and now, she was my very first friend to die.

"Taro-kun, would you like to say your speech now?" Osana's mother asked me. I nodded my head gently and got up from my seat. I made my way to the front of the hall and began to say my speech.

"Osana, you were my very first friend and you were always there by my side when I needed. Your death was so sudden and the whole experience was simply horrible! I can't imagine anyone would do such a thing. Just remember that you will always be in my heart and we will always remember you for the great friend, sibling, cousin and daughter that you were. Goodbye," I choked up a little at the end. I was fighting back all the tears that were flowing down my face like a waterfall.
I walked back to my seat and it was Osano's turn to say his speech. I didn't listen though, my mind was too occupied thinking about my late friend.

I felt a bit of my sanity fading as the first signs of depression crept up on me. I was wrapped in the warm and comforting embrace of my younger brother, Hanakõ. "It's okay, big brother. She's in a better place now," he comforted. I couldn't hold back anymore. I wrapped my arms around my brother and sobbed uncontrollably.

It seems like everyone is losing their siblings now. I don't want to leave Hanakõ. Be it he dies, or I die, I don't want us to be apart. I love my younger brother dearly and I don't want to lose him the way that Mido lost Mida, Amao lost Amai and Osano lost Osana. I know that Kokona-chan didn't have any siblings, but Saki Miyu saw her as a sister.

This is truly devastating!


They had finally buried her body in the local graveyard. I'll definitely be visiting this place often. Osano, Raibaru, Hanakõ, our parents, Osana's parents and I put flowers on her grave. Then the other guests placed their many bouquets of flowers on her grave.

The Najimi's where the last to leave Osana's grave. They were all huddled together before her grave, crying their eyes out. I took one last glance at my best friend's grave for the day and went with my family to go home.

Friday, 1am:

I could hardly sleep, I was still crying into my pillow. I don't want to go to school today, but education is important. I really need to get some sleep or I will fall asleep in class. After a few minutes or so, I had finally cried myself to sleep.


I didn't need anyone to wake me up today, I just woke up on my own. I did my usual morning  routine, but this time, I did it with a heavy heart. By the time I've reached the front door, it was already 6:40am. Osana is going to- oh wait...she's gone...

A pang of sadness pierced through my heart. I still couldn't believe that she had died...


Hanakõ, Osano and I reached the school gates without saying anything to each other. We continued not saying anything all the way until we've reached the school hall.

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