W1 Wednesday

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(A/N: Okay, this is really important: I wrote Nemesis-kun almost completely differently from Nemesis-chan. So, don't come at me if you're not happy.)

Nemesis-kun's POV:


My alarm clock woke me up to its annoying ring. I slapped my hand randomly on the clock until I hit the button that turned it off.

I sat up in my bed and checked my phone. Hm... a text...probably from Mr Saikou.

Mr Saikou: Nemesis-kun. I'm going to give you one more chance to get rid of Ayano Aishi.

What? But he fired me yesterday.

Nemesis-kun: With all due respect sir, you fired me yesterday. I don't work for you anymore.

Mr Saikou: I know you are in need of money. If you at least just kidnap her and bring her to my mansion, I will pay you handsomely.

Mr Saikou: Maybe that will change your mind?

I don't want to kill her...but just as long as she is kidnapped, he'll pay me...pay me with a large sum of money might I add... I do need the money to get out of here though...

Nemesis-kun: It's a tempting, sir. But what about the 8 men that you hired yesterday? They were told to kill her, weren't they?

Mr Saikou: Yes. Well, about that... they failed. They told me that two high school students, probably friends of Aishi-chan, beat them up and took her.

That makes sense. Those men don't put in any effort if they think their opponent isn't a threat. It is because of their poor judgement and egos that they has failed many missions.

Nemesis-kun: Sir, pardon me for saying this, but they're fucking weak. They're a joke.

Mr Saikou: I agree with you. But about kidnapping Aishi-chan. We don't need anymore killers in the world and I don't want you screwing up this mission because you like her. Push aside your feelings for her aside and get the job done.

The irony.

Nemesis-kun: Well, you're one to talk, sir. Ryoba Aishi used you when she was in school. Many innocent students, teachers and some police officers were killed because she had taken advantage of your feelings for her. You're at fault here. You let her get away with all those murders. And now, you want me to push aside my feelings for Ayano and kidnap her to bring her to you.

Mr Saikou: Touche.

Mr Saikou: But back to kidnapping Ayano Aishi and bringing her to my mansion. Are you in, or not?

Right. I do want to move out of this place and live the life of a normal high schooler badly....I NEED the money...

Nemesis-kun: I'll do it...

I sure hope I know what I am getting myself into.

Mr Saikou: Good. And to make sure you don't do any funny business or try to get out of it, I'll send my children to make sure you get the god damn job done.

Shit. Megami and Megamo are really annoying. They're always watching and judging you. But Megamo doesn't judge Ayano the way that Magami does....

Nemesis-kun: Yes sir. Don't worry about it. I can get the job done.

Why did I even become an assassin in the first place? I live with so much regret every mission. I have to kill innocent people, work for shady companies, assist in kidna
pping, do actual kidnapping, and that was all what I did during my first 3 years of being an assassin!

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