W2 Sunday

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Ayano's POV:


I got up early today and got ready. I slipped on black sweat pants and black hoodie. During on stage performances, everywhere but the stage would be dark. If my clothing match the  surrounding darkness, no one would see me coming.

I tied my hair into a tight bun and secured it in a hair net. I took a black mask and cotton gloves. Next thing on my list is 5 screwdrivers. I've never seen much of the backstage and stage before, so I had to come prepared. I stuffed the tools into my pocket and went downstairs.

Kitchen, 6:20am:

I drank a cup of water and ate some toast while scrolling through social media.

Social media:

Hanakõ Yamada: The guys and I found more evidence and theories!

  Mai Waifu:@ Hanakõ Yamada- Wow! That's so great!

  Budo Masuta:@ Hanakõ Yamada- That's nice.                                              


Megamo Saikou: @ Megami Saikou is driving me crazy. Can someone just help take her off my hands, please?

  Oko Ruto:@ Megamo Saikou- You can try performing a ritual to summon some demons and other spirits. They would gladly take her.

    Megamo Saikou:@ Oko Ruto- That actually doesn't sound like much of a bad idea...

  Megami Saikou:@ Megamo Saikou- I'm telling dad on you!

    Megamo Saikou:@ Megami Saikou-   @Kuroko Kamenaga see what I mean?

  Kuroko Kamenaga:@ Megamo Saikou- Oh dear...

Megamo wants to get rid of his sister? Maybe I can frame him for her murder, but Megami's self defense is implacable. I doubt he can even lay a finger on her, so it'll be unlikely for people to think that he killed her. I know that I have already eliminated Megami, but even though she doesn't have the ability to come in between Senpai and me, she's still able to get me imprisoned.

I tapped my nails on the table, thinking about different ways to eliminate my other rivals. I guess equipment malfunction for Asu, or maybe drowning. And as for Oka.... I can...stab her and blame the supernatural? That's dumb, no one's going to believe that.

I looked at the time, 7am. I better get going now.

I exited through the back, ensuring that there was no one that could see me. I then made a run for school.

School, 7:15am:

Everyone was so focussed on the performance up on stage, that I snuck into the hall unnoticed. I crept around and somehow managed to make my way backstage without anyone witnesses.


Everyone backstage was in the dressing rooms, so I could do as I please without worrying about anyone watching. The backstage seems to be deserted. Really? Not even the people controlling the lights? Well, that's a bad mistake, and it's also making my job easier.

I hoisted myself up on a random prop nearby and I used my upper body strength to pull myself up. I climbed to a ledge and rested there until 10am.

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