W2 Saturday

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Info-chan's POV:


Hanakõ really seems to be dedicated in finding out who the murderer is....

Oh shit!

Something on my screen caught my eye when I was cyber stalking. I immediately rushed to our work room and alerted my brother.

Work room:

"That's horrible!" He exclaimed to moment I finished telling him.

I nodded in agreement. "We have to tell Ayano!" I said.

"She's going to kill us if we wake her up at unearthly hours again," he said.

"I'm willing to take the chance because Raibaru knows about Ayano being responsible for murder!" I screamed.

Info-kun sighed and took out a coin. "Heads, you tell her. Tails, I tell her," he said. I nodded and stared at the coin, my eyes never leaving, as he flipped it.

He caught the coin with his fist closed, and we awaited the results anxiously. He nervously opened his palm and... TAILS!

"Hah!" I laughed in his face. He groaned and took out his phone. He dialed Ayano's number which he memorized by heart and waited for her to pick up.

Ayano's POV:


Why the hell is Info-kun calling me at this time?

I picked up my phone.

Phone call:

Ayano: Hello?

Info-kun: Hi, it's me again. Sorry for calling you at this time, but it's urgent.

Ayano: What is it?

Info-kun:(silence for a while)

Info-kun: Info-chan and I will need you to come over.

Ayano: Okay. Give me like... 10 minutes or something.

I hung up and got off my bed. It was past 3am and pitch black. Fuck, I can't see. I fumbled with the light switch to turn on the lights in my room.

I then went into my bathroom to take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, slip on some clothes, brushed my teeth and stumbled out sleepily.

I grabbed my phone and keys and walked towards Info-chan and Info-kun's mansion.

Time skip!3:20am:

I was in their work room and they were showing me conversations between Raibaru and a hooded figure.

"We can't identify this person," Info-chan said.

"But by the looks of it, it's most likely a male around 16 to 18," Info-kun said.

Conversation: (Author is too lazy)

Ayano: What are they talking about?

Info-chan: These street cameras are not planted by us, so they have no sound, but by the looks of it, this guy is telling Fumetsu-chan about what you're doing.

Info-kun: We're not sure whether or not Raibaru knows that you're a Yandere or not, but one thing is for sure and that is she has to be silenced.

Info-chan: Agreed. Any means necessary.

Ayano: That's unfortunate. Budo would be devastated.

Info-chan: We don't care about him. He can take his own life too if be wants.

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