W3 Monday

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Ayano's POV:


For some reason, I couldn't sleep any longer. I didn't feel completely energised either, though. I walked into my bathroom and got myself ready for school. It wouldn't hurt to get ready for school early.

I then went to check my phone for any notifications. As expected, there were none, since most of my schoolmates would wake up around 6am.

Info-kun: Good morning, dear. I noticed that you haven't been waking up at regular timings.

Ayano: Good morning. I just felt like waking up.

Info-kun: But you need sufficient sleep. You had less than 7 hours of sleep while you need a lot of energy to do a lot in a day.

Ayano: You're one to talk. You only get like 4 hours at most of sleep in a day and you have to do a lot more than me.

Info-kun: Aw, are you worried about my well being?

Ayano: Well, duh.

Info-kun: Awwwwww!!!! By the way, your exams are coming up soon.

Ayano: I'm aware.

Info-kun: How much are you planning on getting?

Ayano: I was aiming for 100%, but since I made that spelling error, I would get, at most, 99.85%.

Ayano: But they'll round up my total grade to 99.9%.

Info-kun: Okay. Do you ever study for exams?

Ayano: I stalk a boy, kill for that boy, help you and your sister kill people, hide bodies, deal with idiots, have to keep my good reputation, and you're asking me if I study. Shouldn't you already know that I don't? Besides, you're watching me.

Info-kun: True, but I don't usually bother with how you study and your studies. You're already doing so well.

Ayano: I guess that's true.

Ayano: Megamo told me that Megami is planning on pranking me.

Info-kun: Yes she is. After the meeting with the faculty, when you go back to class 3-1, you'll open the classroom front door and a bucket of water will fall onto you.

Ayano: That's a classic. Doesn't she have any other better way to prank me?

Info-kun: Let's hope not. That prank is pretty dangerous.

Ayano: I'm aware. Should I let myself get pranked and act like she has hurt me, or should I let her prank herself?

Info-kun: I think you should let her prank herself. Once you enter through the door, be quick and head straight for your seat.

Ayano: But what if she plays victim?

Info-kun: Megamo will back you up.

Ayano: Okay.

Ayano: By the way, do you know what the meeting is about and who will be there?

Info-kun: Yes, sorry, but it's confidential. You'll find out for yourself when you get there.

Ayano: Alright.

I seriously have to wait that long? I'm so bored now. I checked the clock on my phone. 5:30am. I guess I'll go to school. There is nothing else that I want to do now.

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