W3 Saturday, 20 April

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(A/N: I have something to confess. I didn't keep track of the events that happened in the story and I most definitely forgot a lot of things. So if you read that anything doesn't make sense, it's because I bullshited my way through it. On the topic of bullshiting, there will be a lot sprinkled all around the story, so do be warned.

Also, I know I said in a comment that I would have updated a long while ago, but I didn't. I'm really sorry for that, again. Lost motivation and was juggling exams. My school term has ended, however I still have to attend my co-curricular activities, so I don't have much time, but it's still a lot more than what would happen during my school term.

Without further ado, let's get started on this chapter.)

Ayano's POV:

It felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes, but when I woke up, the sunlight from outside my window assaulted my eyes. My tired eyes scanned my room lazily and rested upon the sight of a pair of twins screaming at me to get up.

It took my brain a brief moment to comprehend what was going on before I shouted, "Ah! How the hell did you guys get in?" Forget coffee, that wave of shock gave me enough energy to climb Mount Everest or something.

"Well, good morning to you too, Aya-chan. We forged a key, got into your home, and we're dragging your ass to Okinawa, " Info-chan explained like it was totally normal to enter your friend's home uninvited and all creepy-like.

"So get dressed, we're leaving in ten," Info-kun added and pulled me up from the bed. The twins then exited, closing my room door behind them.

Wait, why are we going to Okinawa again? Oh right, to get rid of the Ritos.


I walked out of my bedroom in an oversized teal hoodie that reached around my knees with a white shirt underneath and black leggings. It was one of the outfits that I had in my wardrobe for years, and old clothes were worn when I have to prepare for a bloody mission. I pulled my hair back into my usual ponytail and noticed that it had grown longer. I wonder...does Taro-senpai like girls with long hair?

...Does he even like girls at all?

Ah, don't be stupid, Ayano! You're overthinking things. It's like 9 in the morning. It's way too early for this shit.

After changing and grabbing my things, I jogged down the stairs to see the twins on my sofas. Upon seeing me finally done getting ready, Info-chan got up from the sofa. Info-kun got up as well and checked his watch that I only now noticed that he was wearing. Oh damn...it's a Rolex...

"Apologies for the abrupt shit that happened earlier, darling. Do you mind having breakfast later in the jet or in Okinawa?" Info-kun asked.

"I don't feel like eating breakfast. No morning appetite," I replied and shrugged. The twins looked at each other with concern and back at me. Then, they nodded hesitantly.

Info-chan walked to the door and I followed after her, but was quickly stopped by Info-kun who was behind me.


After Ayano had shrugged earlier, I noticed the neck of her shirt slip a little and exposed her bra strap. That's what happens with old clothes, they start getting all loose and stuff.

Trying to hide all emotion on my face in fear of being seen a blushing mess, (and trying to rid my mind of any...lewd thoughts) I immediately tucked her bra strap somewhere where it wouldn't slip off her shoulder, nor will it be exposed in the event that the neck of her shirt slips. As much as I would love seeing Ayano all cute like that, I can't afford for other people to see her like that as well. We only planned for the athletic pair doe siblings to die today. Additional corpses would just be a hassle.

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