W3 Wednesday

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Ayano's POV:


It has soon became a usual routine that Nemesis-kun and I would walk to school together, which is what we're doing now. I wonder, what time does he get up, exactly? He seems to always be waking up earlier than me so that he can wait for me. Not to mention when he waits around my street like a creepy stalker. Not that I have any say in that.

"Say, Nemesis-kun, what time do you wake up in the morning?" I asked as we passed by a few houses.

"I usually wake up around 3am," he replied. 3am? Well, I guess that makes sense. We continued to walk towards school, switching from topic to topic every few moments.

At school, (6:10am):

As usual, we changed our shoes before heading to our classroom.

At Classroom 2-1, (6:11am):

We sat in our seats and went on with our own business. I texted Info-kun while Nemesis did......whatever he usually does.

Info-kun: Did you bring any weapons, poison, or anything suspicious?

Ayano: No.

Info-kun: Good. You actually listened to me.

Ayano: Well, yeah.

Info-kun: Awww🥺🥺🥺🥺!!! Well, anyways, the authorities will be doing their investigation while everyone is in class. They may come into classes for checks, but as long as you don't slip up, you'll be fine.

Ayano: Okay.

Nemesis-kun's POV:

I've noticed that Ayano has been texting someone a lot. The person seems to be quite close with her. I do see her try to suppress small smiles every now and then when she's texting the person too.

Although I  have reasons to believe it's Taro, it doesn't really make sense. It could be Taro, judging by the fact that this person made Ayano blush before, but there's no way in hell that it would actually be Taro, for she would be too scared to be constantly texting him.

I keep my eyes on her for about 10 more minutes or so, before another student walks in. To avoid being caught  staring at Ayano, I quickly direct my gaze to the person at the door; Daku.

Daku Atsuzawa...he's a potential rival of mine. He and Ayano are pretty close, but I've heard from many people that he likes Oka Ruto. I'm still not taking any chances, though...

Better safe than sorry, am I right?

3rd person POV:

Time skip! Class time, 8:30am:

The headmaster walked into class and looked around the room like he was searching for something. He frowned, noticing 4 students not in their seats. They were the 3 girls, from that mess of a chemistry class, and Gaku, who's always intentionally late. "Aishi, get Gaku, please," the headmaster requested. Ayano nodded and got off her seat and out of the classroom.

Ayano sprinted down the stairs to the incinerator. "This asshole is always making me run around the school to drag him back to class," she mumbled in annoyance. Ever since she had gotten close enough to be considered as friends with the delinquent, it had suddenly became her responsibility to drag Gaku's tardy ass back to class.


Once she reached the incinerator, she called out to the 2nd year delinquent, "Gaku-kun, the headmaster wanted me to bring you back to class."

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