The End

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry, but I really cannot continue this story anymore. I first started writing this when the Coronavirus started and school was online. I had the free time to, so I decided "why not write a Wattpad fanfic?" Being young and immature 3 years ago, I jumped straight into writing with absolutely no planning and wrote whatever felt right at the moment.

As I continued this story, I experimented with my writing style and tried to find something that I liked and suited me. I love writing, but I've always been more of a Math person than a Language person, ergo this story turned out to be a hot mess (I apologise for that too).

I was, and still am, excited about this as it was my first real fanfiction (I tried writing one or two before when I was like...8? but it turned out horribly). Ya'll have been really supportive and an absolute joy and I sincerely thank you for following the development of this fanfic. I had promised frequent updates and failed to keep up with them; and what's worse, I went on multiple super long hiatus. I'm so sorry for that, but I really cannot keep up the motivation to continue something so incoherent, inconsistent and cringy.

But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing completely. I'm going to start a new fic, much shorter than this dragged-out mess, but with a similar enough vibe(hopefully) to this current fic. I also promised an Ayano×Nemi-kun fic, and the idea of it used to be a fanfiction of this fanfiction (where Ayano ends up with Nemi instead of Info), but honestly, that's lazy writing on my part and I really want to produce quality stuff here instead of the poorly written crap I plucked out from the sky these past years.

But all stories deserve to have a conclusion, even this one. So I'll give ya'll the plot that I originally wanted to have.

-Disclaimer, I can't remember who I killed off and who I maimed. So some characters may not be mentioned, but like...they're side characters, so who cares?

-Ayano and the Info twins continue to mess with Amao until they get him to break. He becomes the Info twins most loyal slave, still unaware of their identity and Ayano's affiliation with them.

-Daku's debt is almost paid, but in order to pay in full, Info-chan gets him to rob a random wealthy family for some many and a specific artifact (some macguffin, I guess). Turns out, it was the Saiko's he tried to rob and he was found out. But they didn't get a good look at him (only know his approximate appearance). Daku sought Info-chan for protection and in the mean time, he became a full-time minion. The dunno what Info-chan made him steal was just a ruse to get him to be caught so he's go back to her.

-The delinquents get framed for attempted robbery and the police buy it, so they were thrown in jail with the rest. But the Saikou twins want to blame Ayano (as they always do). Aware of this, the Info twins blackmail Hanako with Osano into proving Ayano's innocence (easy 'cause she's actually innocent, but hard because the Saikous be salty).

-The Saikou's are convinced, but still are wary of Ayano. So during the school camp, they keep an extra close eye on her. Sick of all these "useless extras", Info-kun woke up and chose sadism and told all the remaining male rivals(minus Daku), on the last day of camp, to meet in the gym.

-The Info-twins blackmailed all of them into the gym silently and alone, and then, Ayano and some of the Info twins' informants locked the rivals and the twins in the gym.

-Info-kun joined the rest of the M!rivals as Koushi Matsunashi, acting confused and worried like the rest of them while Info-chan hid backstage with a mic, addressing them.

-While Ayano and the informants go back to whatever school function is going on then (to be less sus), Info-chan exposes all of them for having crushes on Ayano (with the permission of Info-kun). Everyone(but Info-kun) was rightfully shocked, and Info-chan continued by saying that she'll tell Ayano about all their deepest darkest, ugliest, secrets if they don't do as she says. Reluctant, they agree (ugh, their pride).

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