W3 Sunday, 21 April +Q&A at the end

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3rd Person POV:


Nemesis-kun had been staring at the ceiling for the past few minutes, unable to go back to sleep. Bored out of his mind, he finally decided to leave the warm comfort of the hospital bed. Having light footsteps of a highly trained assassin, he tip-toed out of the infirmary and into the dark, chilly hallway, his bare feet making contact with the smooth icy wooden floorboards, sending shivers up his spine

He had been walking for a while now, not paying much mind to where he was roaming. All he knew was that he was going somewhere. For some reason, when he was finally brought back to reality, he found himself outside Ryota's room. "What am I doing here?" He asked himself. Shrugging it off, Nemesis-kun was about to continue his stroll, when the door to Ryota's room opened.

"I thought I heard someone outside. What are you doing here, Nemi-kun? Did you miss me that much?" Ryota joked.

Nemesis-kun stopped in his tracks, and what happened next was a blur. The two ended up catching up for the next few hours, talking about the changes to their lives. They sat on Ryota's bed chatting away like housewives at brunch.


Ryota: By the way, I'm attending your school now.

Nemesis-kun: What? Why? I mean, it's great that you get to be in the same school as me, but why?

Ryota: I don't know. Boss just said that you needed someone to look after you. We can't afford for a strong member such as yourself to get hurt again.

Nemesis-kun: I don't need a babysitter...

Ryota: I know that, but orders are orders. Oh, by the way, these came in the mail for you. When I found out you were injured, it completely slipped my mind and I forgot to give them to you.

Ryota pulled out an A4 paper envelope and a smaller normal looking envelope. Nemesis-kun pulled out the contents of the smaller envelope and saw that it was from that damned anonymous person, teasing him about not being with Ayano—giving other guys the upper hand in getting Ayano's love.

Ryota saw the change in Nemesis-kun's expression from calm to sour and figured something was up. "What's wrong?" The older boy asked.

"Just some bastard teasing me again. It's nothing," Nemesis answered, putting an end to that part of the conversation. Ryota decided not to press further for the time being as it was clearly something Nemesis-kun didn't want to talk about at the moment.

Next, Nemesis opened the A4 envelope. Inside were 2 pieces of paper. The first being a consent form for a week long school camp, and the second was a handwritten note.

Ryota peeked over Nemesis-kun's shoulder and the two read the note.

The note:

"Dearest Hanako-kun,

Long time no see. We haven't seen or even contacted each other since like a decade ago. I hope you haven't forgotten me, because I'd be really sad, haha.

I heard that you go by 'Nemesis-kun' now, you've always been a little edgy emo bitch, haven't you? Well, I just joined your class not long ago and volunteered myself to deliver the camp consent form thing to you. I'm sure you have many questions, so let's catch up when you return to school.

Also, I bet you're wondering what happened to my sister and me since we suddenly stopped showing up for meetings. Well, we're still working for the organisation, although we're a lot more independent now. We got promoted and were granted a lot more freedom than before. There's so much to say, but I don't feel like writing a lot, so we'll catch up in school.

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