W1 Sunday

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Megamo's POV:


As soon as I heard my alarm ring, I shot right out of bed.

"Megamo! Wak-" I heard my annoying sister screech from behind my bedroom door.

"I'm already awake!" I shouted at her. God! She can be so irritating!


I headed down to the dining room to have my breakfast. Megami and I shot menacing glares at each other throughout the whole meal.

"Children, what's going on?" My father asked. Could I even call him my father?

He and my sister decided that she should date a bunch of powerful older men so that our family business could prosper further. That's just sick! She's only 18 and the men she dates are well over 40! (A/N: I know that Megami is 17, but I said that I was going to change a bit of the things.)

"You people are disgusting," I spat.

Mother and a few of the staff who were in the room gasped. Megami stared at me as if I had just killed someone and even father looked shocked.

"We're doing it to benefit the business!" Megami shouted at me.

"So you like doing all that? What are you, a slut?" The words that came out of my mouth were like poison.

"Don't call your sister a slut, Megamo!" Father raised his voice at me.

"She is one! And you're telling her to do those things!" I raised my voice louder than him.

"It is for the company! Megami is willing to do anything for the company, you're not! That's why she is better for Saikou Corp!" Father shouted.

"Yeah, and she's even willing to kill someone because they like her crush. You're no better than Ayano Aishi," I said to my sister.

There a was deafening silence in the room. All the staff immediately left to escape the tension.

"W-what did you just say?" Megami asked.

"You're no better than Ayano Aishi," I repeated.

"My daughter is no way similar to that filth!" Father screamed.

"Their character and behaviour are similar in many ways. Hm...let's see... They both are willing to end the lives of the love rivals. Megami requested for Aishi's death once she heard that Aishi has feelings for Yamada-kun," I stated.

"That's not true!" Megami shrieked. Dear sister, there is no way that you can hide your feelings. I know you better than anyone else.

"Is it? Because you were fine with her being arrested before finding out that she likes Taro-kun," I spat.

Megami and father were undoubtedly furious with me, but I didn't care.

Mother just sat there quietly, not saying a word.

"You better watch your mouth!" Megami shouted.

"Or what? You'll hit me? A yandere can blackmail you faster than you can raise your hand!" I retorted.

"Apologise to your sister, Megamo!" Father interrupted Megami and me as we were screaming at each other.

"Apologise to mother!" I snapped at him.

Megami and mother looked confused and dad looked at me in the eyes, as if he was searching for the reason why I said that.

"Why should I?" He asked.

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