Chapter 1

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Before I start this chapter let me tell you a little bit about my characters.

Zoey: female, smart, loves books, just an all around adorable little Girl Scout she's in high school, hight:5'4 loves her big sister does good in school. Age: 17 sexuality: gay, Spice: human, long light brown hair, light brown eyes, both parents

Mason: female, Zoey's big sister ,plays sports, college student, loves partying, bad when it comes to college stuff , loves Her little sister to death hight: 5'7 Age:19 sexuality: bi, human. Dark brown hair mid length, Hazelnut brown Eyes, fit ,has both parents, mean

Jordan: female, loves sports, Music, gaming, high school student hight: 6'2 has a twin brother Age:17 sexuality: gay blonde long hair, light blue eyes, haft human haft vampire, fit, not very good in school, one parent, mean, intersex

Jalen: male, high school student, smart, hates sports, loves Music , history, Science, cool , dance, hight: 6'3 sexuality: straight, blonde short hair, dark blue eyes, straight A student Jordan's twin brother, Age: 17 also half human half vampire, one Parent

Ok on with the story now!!!!

Zoey's POV:
I woke up to the sound of loud banging and trucks bagging up. I looked at my phone to check the time 5:45 Am I groaned and slapped my hand on my forehead, I slipped on my bunny slippers and put my pink robe on covering up my cupcake pajamas.

I then walked downstairs to see my big sister Mason sitting on the couch watching tv she then turned towards me. "Good morning dork" she said tossing herself a grape then catching it in her mouth "hey, what's all that noise about" I asked. Mason shrugged "I think it's the new neighbors moving in next door." My dad said emerging from the kitchen with a pan of cookies.

"New neighbors?" I said confused. "Yup I was actually going to go give them these and welcome them to the neighborhood you girls want to come with, your mom had already left for work so your my only hope" he said

I nodded " I guess it couldn't hurt to give them a warm Welcome" I said My dad agreed and we both turned to look at Mason, "No" she said rolling her eyes "oh come on mason just this once" I bagged "No god I hate that you two are so friendly" she said putting a finger and her mouth while pretending to puke.

"Besides I got places to be and people to see" she said before hopping off the couch and grabbing her keys "see ya dorks."
My dad pinched the bridge of his nose and I just shook my head "that girl is a piece of work I tell ya" my dad said as we both laughed.

We walked outside I was still in my pajamas we approached one of the moving trucks and a guy jumped out of the back. He smiled when he saw us "Hi can I help you" the man said
"Hi we live next door and we just thought we would stop by and say hi" my dad said "I'm Rayan Williams and this my my daughter Zoey but you can just call me Rayan."

The guy then shook my dads hand "nice to meet you both, "I'm David Lee but David is fine" he said smiling, My dad then handed him the cookies, "Let me introduce you two to the twins".

Mr. Lee then yelled

"Jalen !!! Jordan!!! Get over here" soon after two tall teens came running up.

As they got closer you could see how good they looked god they were gorgeous, gods walking amongst us Mir mortals the boy with his perfect jawline and dark blue eyes and the girl with her amazing light blue eyes and long silky blonde hair, Her beauty was out of this world, I was so focused on her that I didn't realize that they were already in front of me.

"Honey!!" A voice said snapping me out of my daze. "Oh so- sorry hi" I said stuttering a bit

"Jalen, Jordan meet Rayan and his daughter Zoey" Mr. Lee said

The boy stepped up shaking my dads hand then mine "hi I'm Jalen" he said flashing his perfect white teeth, But the girl just stood there examining my body soon after she began to bit her lower lip which instantly made me blush

"She walked up to me Bunny's huh she said with a smirk"

I looked at her confused

"Your slippers" she said pointing to my feet I looked at my feet then back up at her "Oh yeah right" I replied a bit nervous

She laughed "anyways it was nice meeting you guys" my dad said, "Same here" Mr. Lee replied, Before the girl walked away she said something, "See you around Bunny" she said before flashing me a smile.

I got super red and she must've have seen it because she walked away laughing.

I went in the house still trying to recover from what just happened,  god she was so hot and she knew It, I went to my room to shower
Then I got changed after brushing my teeth,
I put on a simple dress with flowers on it. then I went downstairs to make myself something to eat and called my friend Amber.

Amber- "hey girly wassup??"

Zoey- "nothing much I was just wondering if you wanted to hang today since we don't have school today"

Amber- "girl you know I'm always down to hang I'll come pick you up"

Zoey- "ok see you then"


I sat my food on the table then sat down in front of it I began eating and scrolling through Instagram, When my dad came downstairs "Ok honey I'm off to work" he said before kissing me on the forehead. He then went to the door "oh and if you see that sister of yours be sure to tell her I said clean that room" I gave him a thumbs up then he left.

Just then I heard a knock on the door I was about to open it when someone just walked in, "Amber how'd you-" I asked but she cut me off "mom gave me a key." yes my bestie calls my mom her mom as well my mom loves her and sometimes I even think that she's actually her daughter and the hospital just gave Me to the wrong mom.
"You ready to go" she said "yeah for sure" I grabbed my phone then went out the door with Amber, As we were walking to her car she then put an arm out in front of me stopping me I looked up "what? what's wrong" I asked
"Girl" she gasped "look at them" she said as she pointed next door to my new neighbors where Jordan and Jalen were moving boxes. Jalen was shirtless while Jordan had on nothing but her sports bra. sweat running down their body's as the sun shined down on them making them look as if white glitter was thrown on both of their body's. 

I drooled a bit not going to lie Jordan caught me looking and winked at me, I started to heated up I quickly looked down not wanting her to see how red my face was. I then grabbed Amber arm and pulled her to the car and we both got in.

"No fair" she whined "I wanted to go talk to them.  man why do you always get blessed with the hot ones" "first your hot sister and now the Neighbors" she said

"Ew my sister is not hot" I replied "girl I might not like Mason but I swear to you her fine ass can get it" she said rubbing down her body. I punched her arm "ew I don't want to hear about what you would do to my sister"
I never understood her and my sister they got this love hate thing going on, Amber put her hands up and defeat "ok ok" she said before starting the car and driving away.


Chapter 1 completed 🥳 i honesty don't know why it took me two weeks to complete 💀......

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