Chapter 17

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The next morning
Jordan's POV:
I was downstairs finishing up the breakfast I had made for Zoey. I poured her a glass of orange juice and then sat the glass on the trey with the rest of the food. Just then my vamp hearing picked up that Zoey was waking up. I had been using my vampire hearing all day to check in on her. I grabbed her food and sped upstairs before her eyes could even open.

She flattered her eyes a few times before opening them when she did I was already placing an hot breakfast in front of her before going over and putting the orange juice on my nightstand beside her.

"Good morning sleepyhead" I said with a warm smile
But she avoided my eyes and looked down "good morning" she whispered in a sadden tone but once again thank goodness for vampire hearing.

"Well we have school today so I'm going to go take a shower you don't really look up to going to school so I think you should stay home you can stay here if you don't want to be at home" I said to her. Whatever happened had to have happened there maybe she got into a fight with Mason I thought to myself.

Much like her mom and dad my dad is also on a business trip with them him and her dad are actually scientist and work closely together in the lab.

"No I'm fine I can go" she said in a whisper "Ok bunny if you feel like you can then you can go but I'll be by your side all day I want to make sure your ok" i said to her and she just nodded I went to give her a quick kiss but she moved away. I felt my heart shatter at that simple but hurtful action. I brushed it off and gave her a small smile before getting up to go get ready for the day.

Once I was all dressed in ready i then went to Jalens room to borrow a pair of his pants for Zoey. Jalen was a little shorter then me so his pants will fit a lot better then mine will on her. I went back to the room saw her with in only in towel as she had on leg on my bed rubbing it down with lotion. Damn she looked so sexy I went over and up behind her pulling my hands on her waist. Just the she jumped back moving out of my grip she looked Terrified but slowly calmed down a little when she saw that it was me.

"I- I'm sorry babe did I scare you". She looked down at the ground "yeah just a little it's fine though" she Mumbled not making eye contact with me. Just a little? It looked like you were going to jump out of your skin I thought to myself. I handed her the pants and a T shirt in hoodie out of my closet. Before going downstairs to wait for her I sat down on the couch letting my thoughts Consume me.

Why is she acting so weird? Why did she come here crying last night? And why won't she tell me why?! I sat there for a good minute as question after question kept popping up in my head. Not even noticing that Zoey was right in front of me and ready to go.

"I'm ready" she said still not looking me in the eyes I looked up as her voice snapped me out of my daze. "Ok let's go."

As I drove to the school no one said anything she was silent The Whole ride so I tried breaking the silence by telling her some good news that I hope she'll be pleased to hear after all I am doing this for her.

"Hey babe!!" I said "huh?" She replied "I've decided to join the basketball team but only because I like the idea of you being my personal cheerleader" I said winking at her but I got nothing back not even a smile "Oh I guess it wasn't that good of news" I said in a whisper. Before going back to driving in silence.

Zoeys POV:
I rolled over a few times in a high but comfortable bed I instantly knew who's it was I flattered my swollen eyes a few times before opening them my eyes had been swollen from all the crying and I'm pretty sure they're red as well. Once I opened my eyes I was immediately greeted with a smile and a familiar face. I watched as Jordan sat down a trey of food before walking over to the nightstand and putting a glass of orange juice on it.

"Good morning sleepyhead" she said with a smile. I looked down not wanting to make eye contact with her "good morning" I whispered

"Well we have school today so I'm going to go hop in the shower you don't really look up to going to school so I think you should stay home you can stay here if you don't want to be at home" she suggested

"No I'm fine I can go" I said. I don't really want to be anywhere alone I'd much rather be near Jordan where I feel safe.

"Ok bunny if you feel like you can then you can go but I'll be by your side all day I want to make sure your ok". She said as if reading my mind

After getting ready we got in the car and set off on our journey to school. The car ride was silent mostly because I was. "Hey babe!!" Jordan said excitedly "huh" I replied "I've decided to join the basketball team but only because I like the idea of you being my personal cheerleader" she said Seductively before winking at me. Usually that would have gotten me all hot and bothered but my mind kept wondering back to what happened last night.

"Oh I guess it wasn't that good of news" she whispered but I still heard it.
I felt bad worse then I already did. I looked down at my hands trying not to cry. I was feeling so many things guilt,scared,sad,confused,embarrassed, you name it I was feeling it.

We pulled up to the school where our friends were waiting outside for us.

"There you two are we've been out here all day" Amy said "yeah what did you guys do have a quickie before you got here" Amber teased as everyone started laughing except me. They all stopped when they noticed that I didn't crack so much as an smile. "Zoey? You Ok?" Jalen asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine I just want to get this day over with so can we go inside guys" I replied trying to sound normal

"Ok...." He said as I walked past them in into the school building.

The day was long it felt even longer then usual. When Jordan said she was not leaving my side she was not kidding we had every class together. She even stood guard outside the bathroom. at gym she ran right beside me and every time I needed to got to my locker she made sure to come with me.

The day was over I was at my locker gathering my things when suddenly I felt the presence of someone I didn't want to see.

I quickly turned around only to come face to face with Paxton. "Hey there doll" he said with an creepy smirk on his face "P- P- Paxton? Why are you here I swear I hadn't told anyone" I said shaking "Oh I know doll but I'm not here about that I'm here to pick you up from school your sister sent me" he replied smiling.

Jordan wouldn't be able to take me home today her first day of basketball practice was today so she wouldn't be home until later. I had called my sister and asked if she could pick me up and she said she would.

"Where's M-my sister?" I asked trying to stay calm "she's out at another college party and knowing that slut she won't be back till morning" he said grinning.

This can't be happening I don't want to be home alone with him please anything but this I don't know what he'll do.

I grabbed my things knowing that if I didn't go willingly then he'll probably take me by force and I'm the last person to leave the school building so there's no one here to stop him.
We walked to his car he made me walk close to him as he gripped my arm tightly. I got in the car as he did the same he then started to drive the way to my house. Once we were at the house he then dragged me inside locking the front door behind him.

I was scared out of my mind my phone had died so there was no way to call for help my sister was out partying my girlfriend was at practice, my mom and dad were out on a trip.

After he locked the door he turned to look at me with and evil smirk on his face.

" I'm going to have some fun with you sexy"


Hey guys your Arthur here once again I'm sorry I took so long with this chapter  it actually took a lot of thinking anyways I hope you in joyed it can't wait for u to read the next chapter 😋

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