Chapter 15

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Zoey's POV:
"Hey Zo?" Amber said as she sat on the floor next to my bed polishing her toe nails "hm" I said not looking up from my laptop. "Have you thought about what college your going to" she asked. I looked up "yeah there's a few I'm looking at like greenfield university where Mason is or blue-valley university" I said before looking back down at my laptop as the room went silent again.

"I was just thinking about after our senior year when our friend group is all split up what will happen then" she asked
I then closed my laptop "what do you mean" I asked "like will we all still be friends" she said looking serious "Me and you will always be friends I mean Amy and Alyssa are my best friends too but your my best best friend" I said looking at her.

She then stopped painting her nails "what about when were in different college's we will be to busy to keep in touch" she said

"We can just go to the same college" I said "but your aiming for all these super high colleges I don't think I'll even be able to get in" she said frowning. I then sat down on the floor next to her. "Amber you and me are literally the smartest in our friend group besides Jalen" "besides if you don't get into one of those big colleges then I'll just apply to a Community college of your choosing" I said nudging her shoulders with mine.

She gave me a small smile that faded as soon as she started to think about something else. "Zoey I don't want you to lower your standards for me" she said I looked over at her "Amber I wouldn't be lowering my standards I can learn just as well in an community college as I would in a super fancy one" I said "your right" she replied. I then pulled Amber in for a hug.

"Amber if the rest of our friend group don't stay together then I promise you that me and you will" she smiled.

And I got back up on the bed and reopened my laptop.

"So A little birdie told me that Mason walked in on you and Jordan doing the do" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me. Annnd she's back I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I looked at her as my cheeks begin to heat up
"She didn't walk in on us doing the do" I said "well then about to do the do" she said laughing I just slapped a hand on my forehead "who even told you that" I asked "I just told you a little birdie" she said as I rolled my eyes causing her to chuckle.

Later on that day
I walked Mason to the door waving bye as she got in her car and drove away. Once she was gone I shut the door and locked it before wondering off. Hmm what should I do today I thought to myself. Maybe I should watch some Tv I said as I walked to the living room only to see Mason on her game. "Move I want to watch Tv" I said standing by the couch "No" she said as she tapped away at her controller " seriously your practically an adult and you still play video games" I said folding my arms and raising one eyebrow at her.

"What are you talking about I'm only 19" she said still taping at her controller "don't you have literally anywhere else to be" I asked "no because I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on you,you know this is the one time I actually wished Blondie was here" she said I rolled my eyes "you know her name why do you continue to call her things like blondie or Barbie" I asked "obviously because i don't like her come on your the smart one use your Brain" she said sarcastically. "Now be gone fly" I huffed and walked away.

When it comes to my sister and her game that's a battle you will not win when's she's on the game literally nothing can get her off.

Just then I heard a knock at the door so I went to go answer it. I opened the do to a handsome tall male about 21 years of age standing there he had hypnotizing hazel brown eyes and long dark brown hair

 I opened the do to a handsome tall male about 21 years of age standing there he had hypnotizing hazel brown eyes and long dark brown hair

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Imagine he has hair like him he don't look like him but he has hair like his.

"Hey" the guy said flashing his perfectly white teeth "is Mason here by any chance" he asked
"Who are you" I asked kind of rudely for some reason I had a bad feeling about this guy "I'm Paxton Masons boyfriend" he said but before I could say anything Mason pushed me to the side dragging him off the porch before shutting the door behind them.

I stared at the door completely confused as to what just happened.

I didn't know Mason had a boyfriend and why was this guy giving me a bad feeling.

Mom and dad was out of town on a Business trip for 3 weeks and Mason is supposed to be keeping an eye on me. I thought to myself just as Mason came back in with Paxton following closely behind her.

"Mason what's going on" I asked she sighed Paxton this is my little sister Zoey and Zoey this Paxton my boyfriend". "She said "hi it's nice to finally meet you Zoey" she said extending his hand. I was hesitant to take it at first but then I finally did flashing him a fake smile as I shook his hand.

This guys whole vibe is just off.


Hello!! Short chapter this time but what do you guys think Zoey's bad feeling is like what do you think she think is wrong with Paxton???
Ps sorry for any spelling mess ups

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