Chapter 14

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Zoey's POV:
The weekend went by slow me and Jordan have been hanging out every single day she would spend the night Over my house and do movie night and cuddle and sometimes I'd go over her house and we'd play video games and eat junk food or make out in her room since her dad goes to work really early and Jalen would be over Ambers house. my dad and her dad actually work together but we could never really get any alone time at my house because of Mason and my mom are almost always just walking in my room I think they're working together on making sure my first time never happens.

My dads actually been the coolest about that type of thing it's my mom and sister who's giving me a hard time I'm pretty sure Masons' only doing it because she doesn't like Jordan my mom and dad and Mason knows about The Whole her being intersex thing just not the vampire thing. The other day I was surprised to learn that Amber already knew about it.

I woke up this morning to the sound of my phone ringing I looked over at it on the nightstand to see who it was

The name flashing across Zoey's phone
                     My Dream Girl❤️

I groaned and then picked up the phone answering it.

Zoey: Jordan I can't believe you just woke me up!
Jordan: we'll good morning to you too
Zoey: I'm serious I need my beauty sleep!!
Jordan: but Babe your already beautiful
Zoey: cute but that doesn't mean your off the hook
Jordan: aw babe how about I buy you breakfast on our way to school I'm coming over to pick you up
Zoey: I'll take that just let me get dressed
Jordan: Ok bye love
Zoey: bye bubba

I should probably get dressed I put my phone down on the nightstand next to me and rolled out of bed I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to take me a shower.

15 minutes later
After the shower I got dressed and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs just in time to see Jordan waiting outside for me "Im off to school Mom" I yelled "Ok sweet heart tell Jordan I said hi"
It was me and her new thing she picks me up everyday for school now we arrive together and we leave together.

At the school
Me,Amber,Amy,and Alyssa were standing by my locker talking when we heard.  Jordan,Jalen,Antonio, coming down the hallway they were arguing over the best Underwear types
"Dude no wants to where boxers that don't support your balls" Jordan said  "but those specific kind be hugging them and making them all hot and sweaty" Antonio said "Ok guys then let's saddle this at my house after school we will each go to the mall pick our favorite type of underwear and go back to my house and try the opposite person's favorite pear on Jalen said.

"Deal"Jordan said "Deal" Antonio said
They finally stopped and noticed that they were already in front of us

"That whole conversation was disturbing"
Amber said as Jalen walked over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips then put an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey bubba" I said as Jordan walked over to greet me with a quick kiss before hugging me from behind and resting her chin on my shoulder "Hi love" she said repeatedly kissing my cheek. I couldn't do nothing but smile Antonio then walked over to Alyssa greeting her with an hug and kiss as well.

"Hey where's liv" Antonio asked Amy "oh she'll be here later on at lunch she's running a bit late" Amy replied.

Jordan's POV:
Why did that name sound so familiar I thought to myself as I walked down the hallway with Zoey to our first hour class.
After our first second and third hour class it was time for lunch
I sat at the table with the guys as we waited for the girls to get here.

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